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Active Member
:leaf::leaf::leaf:ok well on my two seedlings i have 2 x26watt daylights and 4x42watt daylights on my seedling as well as a AQUARIUM LIGHT WITH A POWER GLOW FLORESENT T5 GIVING OFF A SPECTRUM OF 18000K'S IS THIS OK FOR THE PLANT DOES ANYBODY KNOW?

btw this site is amazing im like addicted to it now readin all this cool shit i never knew before haha:weed:


Active Member
that is ok for veg

but thats a little to much light for now

run like 2 cfl till they gte a little bigger


Active Member
18000k is the purple part of the light spectrum, you probably want to stay more towards the blue, around 6500k which is what your daylight cfl's are most likely burning. Save the power and just run two or three of the daylight cfl's, like what malady said, and when they start getting bigger pop the rest in there