Question Here Help would be awsome


Active Member
So this is my second grow and i am using what i have left over from aquariums in the past for lighting. Not sure of the strain and am growing in soil. Lighting is 1 x 96 watt PC half blue half white spectrum, this is about 24 inches long and hangs 3-4 inches above the plant. I also have 1 x 96 watt PC half blue half white thats 36 inches long i sit vertically 3-5 inches infront of the plant. I also have 2 x 24 watt cfl's that face the bottom part of the plant. So this is only 1 plant unfortunatly.

I have been vegging for at least a month and a half the height is only 15 inches but is bushy as hell. I just transplanted from a 1 gallon pot to a 2.75 gallon pot. I have made a point to keep the lights very close in the begining for short distince in node spacing but they might be too close.

My question is, is this normal or should i move the lights further away for more stretching and breathing room?


Well-Known Member
If it is not burning the leaves, then you are doing good I think. If you plant stretches out then you will have to expand your lighting, so I would keep it tight and do alittle trimming off the smaller branches to let in light and air flow...I am no expert, so please take my input as just an opinion...G L


Active Member
One thing i am noticing is the tips of all the leaves even the new growth leaves are browning. is this a nutrient def?