Question For Secret Jardin dr60 Setup

Kid Thulu

New Member
Hello all,

I was thinking of using a Secret Jardin dr60 grow tent to raise two plants in my closet. The tent measures 24" x 24" x 64' and I wanted to put a 400 watt HPS/MH with an air cooled hood above two homemade 5 gallon bubble pots. For ventilation, I believe a 6" inline fan for the reflector hood, 1 - 2 small clip-on osculating fans, and a 4" intake fan would be sufficient. My questions are:

1. Will this be adequate ventilation for this light setup? (Ambient temps will be around 70-75 d. F)

2. Is this tent large enough for two bubble buckets?

3. Do I need a separate fan for ballast and tent expulsion, and does the intake need to be active?

I was considering removing the glass plate from the reflector hood and using that connected to the two upper ventilation ports to suck the hot air that rises out, and attaching a smaller lower intake fan to blow in cool air. I do not know if this will work at all, and I would be worried about having the bulb in the open and all that air and particles moving over it. The tent only has two upper vent ports, so I'm a little stuck on the assembly. Noise, and smell are not an issue in my current residence, but with the economy in its current situation price is my biggest limiting factor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can say this....I grew a single 5 gallon smart pot in my last 2x2 and that took up the tent. I had three 3 gallon bags previous to that and proved way too many for such a small area. Don't stuff it.


Active Member
You are golden. You may not even need the intake fan. I have a 2'x4'x8' closet and 4" 160 cfm fan that pulls through carbon filter ducted to hood and out to attic. I use passive intake and temps are only a few degrees higher. If my ambient is 75 I am around 78-80. Two five gallon dwc buckets in a 4x4 area with a 400 would work. You can even use a 600 in that area. You may want an intake fan it can only help but may not need to spend money on it. The only issue is you need to try and keep res temps down. You don't want 80 degree room and 78-80 degree res. I am doing 2 plants in a 2'x3' area now with my 400. 400 covers a 3' x 3' area well.


Active Member
I would keep glass in the hood it will run hotter without it. Run ducting to hood to 6" fan and out top upper vent. Also if you can get ballast out of grow area that would help too.