question for pryor military

jeff f

New Member
what would you do if you were ordered by your commanders to take up position in your own country against your own citizens?

i retired 9 years ago and could never have envisioned a situation where the military could be used against its citizens. today, i am not so sure.

i dont think i would be able to follow those orders but it would depend on the curcumstances. for instance, if we were fighting a rioting gang that was killing innocents, no problem.

if it was to stop the people from making the govt follow the constitution, big problem.

just stoned and thought i would ask:bigjoint:

by the way, country of origin not important. i assume most of you are from the civilized world


Active Member
what would you do if you were ordered by your commanders to take up position in your own country against your own citizens?

i retired 9 years ago and could never have envisioned a situation where the military could be used against its citizens. today, i am not so sure.

i dont think i would be able to follow those orders but it would depend on the curcumstances. for instance, if we were fighting a rioting gang that was killing innocents, no problem.

if it was to stop the people from making the govt follow the constitution, big problem.

just stoned and thought i would ask:bigjoint:

by the way, country of origin not important. i assume most of you are from the civilized world
Reagan used the military to rip up pot fields....


I feel the same way as you Jeff, it would depend on what the issue was. I feel that as a soldier I served my county, not my solely my government and if I was ordered to stand against my fellow citizens for something I felt was unethical I couldn't do it.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
4 years in the marine corps , and worked for eastern air lines , nothing has burned my ass more then when the national guard was in use in airports wielding automatic weapons after 911, sorry sir your luggage is over weight stand next to this wall ,aim fire


Well-Known Member
I really am not who you asked this question to, but I do find it interesting.

And I have no clue. I really dislike military action, but do realize that in some cases it is needed.

If I was in a unit that was invading american citizens homes that had been stockpiling weapons to attack something here in the states, I would think that I would follow orders. Be it middle eastern terrorists or nutball militia. Because they have already decided on the mindset that they were at war.

But to invade an innocent persons home that has nothing to do with any military action and therefore no reason to do it, I don't think that I would.

But luckily we live in a country were I don't have to make that decision.


Well-Known Member
I can't really remember, it was so long ago, but wasn't the oath based on 'defending the constitution..', then following orders from those above you....

Based on defending the constitution, the military should declare war on congress.


Well-Known Member
I can't really remember, it was so long ago, but wasn't the oath based on 'defending the constitution..', then following orders from those above you....

Based on defending the constitution, the military should declare war on congress.
I don't recall ever taking an oath when I was in the military that said I had to follow the Unlawful orders of my superiors. ;-)

To answer your question jeff, no I would not take up arms against Americans. I'm pretty sure the Posse Comitatus Act forbids it. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
It was a long time ago .......

And fuck NO, and I wouldn't take orders then, anyway. Sure wouldn't do it now.


Peace - :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
it's been done before many times
on an individual basis, perhaps a few would refrain,
but when the order to shoot arrives
the shots are fired.


Well-Known Member
There will have to be disarmament of the citizens before the military will be running rampant kicking in doors and shooting innocents. Lot of people out there have quite a bit of firepower available and know how to use it. Your biggest gun nuts are the ones you don't even know exist.


what would you do if you were ordered by your commanders to take up position in your own country against your own citizens?

i retired 9 years ago and could never have envisioned a situation where the military could be used against its citizens. today, i am not so sure.

i dont think i would be able to follow those orders but it would depend on the curcumstances. for instance, if we were fighting a rioting gang that was killing innocents, no problem.

if it was to stop the people from making the govt follow the constitution, big problem.

just stoned and thought i would ask:bigjoint:

by the way, country of origin not important. i assume most of you are from the civilized world
all depends, my loyalty is to the country and the people in it... even if that means going against the gov't. If they told me to kill any who are no cooperative... I would leave. I'd be a deserter. But like you said... if it was a gang killing innocents it's a no brainer. It all depends on the situation really.


As a Marine or any military service member you take the oath to protect against foreign or domestic blah blah blah, But if something were to break out , like in Iran for example, Non lethal force would be in effect AT ALL COSTS. With all the policies that regulate the military, that "order" would never make it down to the boots. So honestly an order to attack unarmed innocent Americans would never happen. But IF something like this WERE to happen, don't think for one second any of you would have a chance lol. Best bet would be to get the hell out of the country. You could put a squad of trained Marines against a hundred of your untrained "gun nuts" and the Marines wouldn't get so much of a scratch. Just my two cents!