Question about vegging


Active Member
Ok so i went out and bought a cabinet thats about 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide and am planning to grow 2-4 plants in it at a time. I want to make my setup a constant cycle, meaning i would like to have plants vegging while others flowering to always have a crop on me. The seeds im going to be using are nirvana master kush. Going to do some more research on cloning but from what i understand is you just trim a branch off and set it up to grow and hopefully it does. But on to my question. Assumming i let the seeds/future clones veg for 4 weeks ill need another 8 weeks of flowering. That being said will the clones get ruined since i wont be able to put them in the flowering setup until 8 weeks of vegging? This will be a first time grow so might just keep it to 2 plants but the issue is not wanting to buy seeds after this so will my clones be able to survive for that long in a veg setup? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Also, is there an ideal time to cut the stems off for cloning? Is there a certain time in which you can only do it or its too late?


Well-Known Member
You can also veg clones for two months without a problem if you want. Batch I got currently in flower vegged for 60 days waiting till their mamas ripened up. They have now been in flower about a month and looking good. I have heard a lot of folks say you can take clones direct into bloom after they grow a few roots but never tried it myself. Suspect it be true since so many folks say so.


Well-Known Member
cut clones from the point you think they can survive missing 1 branch up untill 2 weeks before you flower them