You already ordered it. It's too late to second guess. Relax.
nah man they get you STONED
Yea its not about the device really. Its about how much you take in, if you dont wanna get really high just take one pull in, let yourself get high and if you want more then take another pull.
2-3 hours, but its wears off over time you know.
I don't know how anyone could explain that for what it really feels like. I don't think its possible to put it into words. Everyone should experience it once.
doesnt really go weird, i have driven while high so many many times, and ive never been in an accident. So i dont think your vision will be changed.
i wouldnt say make your muscles weak but depending on the weed you have you may laugh at stupid shit.
o and i didnt mean that you should drive from my earlier post, just an example.