question about trimming please help. simple question


Active Member
hey guys i have a pretty tall plant already and the bottom is growing a lot of newer growth. i wanted to trim a lot of the bottom because its not getting any light down there so i have a few questions.

1. can i trim the new growth straight to the main stem? or do i have to leave a little and then wait for it to dry up and then cut the rest off?

2. how much can i cut at one time without hurting the plant?

all the lower growth im talking about is pretty weak and probably using up a lot of resources trying to keep it alive. so please help me out guys...1st grow


New Member
Trimming is wack but if you must do it I would use something sterile to cut with and do not cut it close to the main stem I would leave 3/4-1" left. I would cut it all at once either you dont want to shock it too much. Do a little and water the plant and wait a few days to see how the plant reacts. You cant add more lights to the side of your space?


Well-Known Member
yeh its fine to do,cut as close to the stem as possible,and make sure the scissors are clean..peace


Active Member
I always trim the bottom third, with a sterile scalple. I do it A few days befor flower period. I trim the lot in one go, probably 6/7 branches. I then make clones with them.


Well-Known Member
I always do a little at a time to reduce the stress to the plant. Second I like to do little to give the plant time to benefit from the big fan leaves as long as possible.Sucks when they start covering great bud sites.