Question about smell while drying


Active Member
Cut on Monday the 23rd and the rest on 24th. Mondays cuttings became squishy yet firm like a stale marshmallow yesterday so we trimmed and let lay on a screen last night because still felt iffy in some spots and jarred today.
Opened the jar and it smells like hay.

Also the drying room went from smelling like good cigar to hay as well.

65% humidity, been drying for almost 7 days and actually Tuesdays cut will go full 7 before it's even close I feel.

So my question is why does it smell like hay?
I know it has to do with the chloroform or whatever, thanks autocorrect, so did it dry to quick or not dry enough?
Figure the only two things that would do it.

Only has bigger sugar leaves left on it, they are just crunchy, break a bud open and smells like lemons and tropical fruits.

Thanks in advance
It's usually due to chlorophyll breaking down during the drying process. If you dry your cannabis too quickly or not enough, it can cause the chlorophyll to break down, resulting in that hay-like smell. You can still get great results with proper curing.
Cut on Monday the 23rd and the rest on 24th. Mondays cuttings became squishy yet firm like a stale marshmallow yesterday so we trimmed and let lay on a screen last night because still felt iffy in some spots and jarred today.
Opened the jar and it smells like hay.

Also the drying room went from smelling like good cigar to hay as well.

65% humidity, been drying for almost 7 days and actually Tuesdays cut will go full 7 before it's even close I feel.

So my question is why does it smell like hay?
I know it has to do with the chloroform or whatever, thanks autocorrect, so did it dry to quick or not dry enough?
Figure the only two things that would do it.

Only has bigger sugar leaves left on it, they are just crunchy, break a bud open and smells like lemons and tropical fruits.

Thanks in advance
The pinned how-to in the harvest amd cure section worked for me basically. Just use a hygro meter to read in the closed bag that its not drier than 55%rh. I cured a second strain now and seems to work when I jar them later around 57rh.

I kept jarring too soon or too late. Its a dance. Thats why I wet trim/de-nug amd dry herb shelf them. Even consistant dry, just focus on bag test or toss back on shelf and finally jar when they snap in a lot of base stems of nugs and reading 57rh.

Genetics matter for smell and smooth smokability. The cure just is the bridge between chop and finally smoking. Some debate its not needed. I have athsma and notice a difference but my nose also does. Unless I failed or its just a harsh/earhy grassy smelling smoke.

My first strain seemed to of undergone some interesting changes that made it reak and was real smooth. This next strain doesnt reak but is a lot smoother. I guess thats all we’re doing. Im growing for family too now so I had to dust off my curing skills.

I can sample a bowl before and after the 2-3wk cure and go yep this is good to give away.
Ime it means your dry room is drying em out too fast I think it shouldn't be like hay a lil green smelling like plant matter when fresh harvested yes but that goes away so if u get hay or no taste no smell that means it ain't right