Question About Quality Of An Outdoor Plant?

I'm completely new to growing, still reading and gathering knowledge, quick question, can you achieve the same quality outdoor as you can indoor? Or is indoor always going to yield better quality than an outdoor plant, or does it come down to the skill of the grower regardless of indoor/outdoor?

I live in Northern California Bay Area and I've always assumed out here it'd be great out here for outdoor.


Active Member
Outdoors you have one big advantage over indoors The SUN!!! No light can ever compete with that big ball of enery in the sky! Just gotta keep a check on bugs and the weather. Good Luck!


each way has pros and cons to me its easier to have it out when it flowers my stealth versus its odor


Well-Known Member
Just check out my thread from last year then decide I live in the Bay. You will slap yourslef because of your joy if you make it too harvest. dirrtyd