Question about Potting & Mother Plants.


Active Member
I was just woundering if a 20cm pot would be big enuff to hold a mother plant? , its still in veg and still small , but i want to be prepared for when i take clones and keep her as a mother, i just started feeding her today , starting with half a teaspoon of Merical Gro , ( i know its not the greatest brand) but i would just like to know if i need to get a bigger pot , im growing under CFLs at the moment but i have a 400watt hps when she gets bigger and its time to take clones. Any info Would Help. Thank You:leaf:


Active Member
Well thanks for your opinion , but i got all the space / time / energy i need , trust me on that one , if i was worried about all of that i wouldent be growing lol , its for medical perposes , and its legal , so as to my question , anyone??

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Can you tell me how many inches 20 cm comes out to? I would use at least a 3 gallon pot for your mother plant.