question about mixing dolomite lime and nutes


Well-Known Member
I am going to be adding dolomite lime to my soil today, and was wondering if I could also fertilize them today. I didnt know if there were any issues. I planned on sprinkling the dolomite lime on top of the soil then watering in with my nutes. Also Ive read the going rate for dolomite lime is 1 tbsp per gallon of soil. does that sound about right?
I've been experimenting with dolomite lime recently, I would recommend to add dolomite lime on your top soil (1tbs/gallon sounds about right,less is better) give it a good mix, then water with RO water, that in theory should raise your soils ph from top of the soil to the bottom, keep repeating until u hit ur sweet spot, THEN fertilize.
Reason being behind fertilizing later is because (assuming your organic) u dont want to change the PH of your feed so quick and drastically because it can kill off all the beneficial microbes that need their low ph to survive, that can be more harmfully then good.:wall: