Question about LST


I'm in my 2nd week of LST and things are going pretty great, the only thing about it is that some of my leafs closer to the stem aren't getting enough light because of the bigger fan leafs so I was wondering if I should trim them so that the new leafs closer to the stem will get more light and will eventually shoot up. Any ideas?


Active Member
i wouldn't trim any leaves, they bring energy to your plant. You could try manipulating them so that they are out of the way but still being able to transfer energy to your plant. Although i am sure that cutting a few leaves won't be a life or death decision, good luck.


That's kinda what I was thinking. I heard some guy say once that it's not supposed to have many leafs and that I should pinch them off for quicker growth. I thought he was full of shit so I decided to ask the experts. What do yall think?


Active Member
My opinion is taking fan leaves off hurts the plant by reducing its ability to photosynthesize and forces it to put energy into growing new leaves to replace that one. However, some people seem to get good results by selectively pruning certain leaves, but def not just going in there and cutting out all your big leaves. Here's a link to desertrat's post on pruning, and a good prune/don't prune debate ensues: Double Your Yield!!


Well-Known Member
That's kinda what I was thinking. I heard some guy say once that it's not supposed to have many leafs and that I should pinch them off for quicker growth. I thought he was full of shit so I decided to ask the experts. What do yall think?
No no.. never ever trim leafs my friend. Leave the leafs alone.. until its time to harvest.

Each leaf you trim, causes the plant stress. Why? Because, when you cut a leaf (or branch.. or anything else for that matter) off of the plant while its growing.. it reacts to the stress from the leaf/branch being cut off and then kicks into survival mode.. so that it can focus more of its energy and strength to recover.. therefore, stalling veg growth and or flower growth. It's counterproductive in other words.. your causing the plant stress and slowing things down.

Plus, the more you stress a plant.. the higher chance you have of it being male.. or turning into a he/she if she's already been flowering for a good time.

Either way, my advice would be just leave the leaf's alone until harvest.. then take them and make yourself some hash with them.



No no.. never ever trim leafs my friend. Leave the leafs alone.. until its time to harvest.

Each leaf you trim, causes the plant stress. Why? Because, when you cut a leaf (or branch.. or anything else for that matter) off of the plant while its growing.. it reacts to the stress from the leaf/branch being cut off and then kicks into survival mode.. so that it can focus more of its energy and strength to recover.. therefore, stalling veg growth and or flower growth. It's counterproductive in other words.. your causing the plant stress and slowing things down.

Plus, the more you stress a plant.. the higher chance you have of it being male.. or turning into a he/she if she's already been flowering for a good time.

Either way, my advice would be just leave the leaf's alone until harvest.. then take them and make yourself some hash with them.

Have you ever done LST? If so, do you have any tips?