Question about lights



I am wondering if anyone can tell me how many lights and what is the best lights to use. I am looking to use full spectrum LEDs and I am looking to cover 5000 square feet.

would somthing like this be the best to use

Fluence SPYDRx PLUS 685W LED Grow Light

thanks in advance
Hello @techs21 -- welcome to Roll It Up. A rule of thumb is 30-50 watts per square foot so you have 5,000 square feet times 30 watts per square foot equals 150,000 watts. So, if you decided to use the SPYDRX at 685 watts you would need 150,000 watts divided by 685 watts per light equals 219 lights

Say you qualified for a big order discount and each SPYDRx cost you $500 you would need $500 x 219 per light equals $109,000.00

Next, you might want to move to Oklahoma where electricity is cheap at 5-cents per kilowatt hour -- you know, to keep your costs down. 219 lights at 685 watts each on for 18 hours a day would cost you just about $300 per day.

Happy New Year!
Yep, when I originally read this post I suspected it would take some DEEP pockets to get this up and running.
I think when @DoubleAtotheRON setup his room, hlg gave him a pretty good discount on the 36? HLG 550s he bought. Might be worth looking into.
Def not gonna be cheap either way, I hope you document the entire process here, would be cool to see it all happen.