Question about Light and Leave Size


Active Member
I was wonderin if lots of light causes leaves to stay small

Here's what happened
I put one seedling under 60w of cfl 6500K less than an inch away
5 other seedlings were put under 60w 2700K in total, so much less light/plant and further away

The 5 seedling started out stretchin way more and took more time to produce new sets of leaves than the first seedling. So they got a bit behind BUT their leaves grew bigger and those five got faster at producing plant material than the first one. Now they're about a month old and have about the same amount of leaves but the first one, the one that got better and more light closer to the plant is by far the smallest and has the smallest leaves.

Could it be that the first one thought it had enough light and didnt need bigger leaves to grow and that the others had to grow big leaves cause of the lack of light, so they grew bigger engines to deal with the light and grow bigger? So that givin the seedling too much light actually stunted its growth? If that makes any sense..

Today i put the plants outside for this summer's guerilla grow, and im afraid that the little plant will get even further behind because of the smaller leaves. I would appreciate all your opinions on this, it would certainly help me with next years grow.



Well-Known Member
You could actually be right about the leaves, I think it must be difficult to know why it happened but it could have something to do with transpiration, I think that's why some leaves are smaller than others, if you read a little about transpiration you may find it interesting ;)

Anyway could also be because of the genetics or several things affecting one of the plants. Lets see if anybody else has anything to say about it.


Active Member
Thanks! So as far as you know, there's no such thing as light saturation causin a young plant to keep it's leaves small?