Question about lifting..


Well-Known Member
Is there a difference in muscle gain if were to do all of your reps at the same time as opposed to doing half at one time and then the other half later?


Well-Known Member
Look up '21s'.
Reps of 3 sets of 7. Works well with curls. Basically, normal curls but you only pull up to the horizontal for 1st 7 reps. Then from horizontal to upwards vertical for another 7. Then 7 full curls. Try it once and you can feel how it pumps you up.


Well-Known Member
For my curls, I use a 25 lb. dumbbell and usually do 6-8 sets of 25 reps each. I've been lifting on and off for years, I just never knew the answer to this question lol. You shouldn't onlydo curls though, it will makes your arms look really stupid lol plus you're only gaining strength in one way.


Well-Known Member
p.s. No, you want to work each set of muscles to the limit, one after the other (i.e. I would repeat the above 3x over (9x in total).
The reason being that you send the blood pumping to each area. Keep it going and then move on to the next area.


Well-Known Member
pps. jtprin. totally agree. Was just using biceps as the easiest example. Triceps and pecs etc are just as important.


Is there a difference in muscle gain if were to do all of your reps at the same time as opposed to doing half at one time and then the other half later?
I think it helps out with the pump if you circulate while doing the exercises. My arms were a lot more swollen after circulating. However, towards the end of my last workouts I started doing all 3 sets of reps on each exercise at a time and didn't notice much difference.