Question about how to vent a 400 W HPS Cool Tube


I have a 400 W cool tube HPS. I am in a basement in a cold weather climate. I have a duct that runs fresh air intermittently from outside. How do I setup my lamp? I'm thinking I just attach duct from outside on one side of tube and place an inline fan on the other to pull air over lamp. I am in a large space with no tent or grow box. Any suggestions would be very helpful, especially about where to vent the air that is exiting the cool tube. Thanks.


Active Member
you can hook up a duct to one side of the cool tube and connect the other side to the fan to such the air out the window and use the other side of the cool tube as an exhaust cause it will be sucking air from above your plants. or you can connect a duct to one side your cool tub stick it out the window then put your fan on the other side to suck cold air through your light. im in cool temps too and i find it either the first way.


Active Member
If you already have ventilation set up for the room, it would be ideal to have the hood on it's own exhaust system. I would set it up so the fan is outside the grow area drawing cool air and pushing it through the hood and out the exhaust. This way any leaks in your ductwork are pushing air out, rather than sucking stinky air in. Using this method also allows you to get rid of the heat fromyour bulb without disrupting the ventilation of the growing area.


Thank you both for your help. I think the best way to do this is to connect the incoming fresh air duct (with cold fall/winter air) on the lamp side of the tube. Then I'll suck the air out the other side with an inline fan. Last, will I be at risk for heat detection? I'm thinking I'll just blow whatever hot air is produced from the tube out the door of this room to the rest of the basement, which is a good distance from any outside walls. Does this make sense?