Question about harvesting half now and half next weekend


Active Member
:weed:I am just gettin ready to harvest my white widow. It's been in flowering for 9 weeks. I flushed with sugar water last sunday then kept same lighting schedual then yesterday I turned the lights off for 24 hrs. Now I've been told to let it go for another week and supposably Ill get alot more cyrstals. As of now about 90 percent of her hairs are orange and trichomes are a milky white. My question is can I harvest half today then let other half go a week and see if thier is a difference or will I have to wait longer than a week since I caused stress by harvesting half today? Also will only harvesting half today cause me any problems? Heres a pic again of my BABY GIRL. Not to bad for my first ever grow:joint::hump:

