Question about gift cards


Active Member
Can you use gift cards to make a purchase if it says "valid only in the united states" if not, where can you get a international gift card. I've been to 4 stores so far.


Cannabis Adirondica

Active Member
Rocknsea, :peace:
You are on to something with buying seeds with a gift card. I too have recently been doing that to set up a "Credit Account" at an auction site, BidzBay at Breedbay dot com, so that I can get stuff shipped quicker. I go to Dept. Stores that sell either American Express, Visa, or Master Card prepaid Credit/Gift cards at the checkout lines, and put money on them. These cards are insured against loss or theft and can be used world wide. Hopefully this info will help you out!! :mrgreen: :joint: :blsmoke: