question about force flowering indoors?

hi guys i was just wondering is it true u can flower plants at around 4.5 inches...i was reading this book called buds for less: grow 8 oz of bud for less then 100 dollars im trying to grow my plants and theyre like 3 to 5 say around 25 days from seed. no where near as bushy as his girls tho.

ive switched to 12/12 but all i notice is that my plants seem to be more droopy then before...

1st plant-one 42 watt cfl
2nd plant-2 26 watt cfls
3rd plant 1 42 watt cfl

ph is 6.6, humidity around 40%, but temp is 95 degrees i got two fans but it wont decrease..!!
i plan on adding more lights soon

i got some nutes...schultz 10-15-10 but im afraid to use it.

grown in a box in a closet, so idk if i can fix my temp problem.:cry:

any help would be appreciated,



Active Member
you will need to get a fan mounted to the box to at least vent out the stale hot air. CPU Fan? before u add more lights u need to get the temps down.


Well-Known Member
yea, i'd get some more cfls on those plants. and yes, you can force marijuana to flower at any age. some people set the lights on 12/12 from planting the seed to harvesting the plant. 95 degrees is far too hot. take the plant out of the box and just leave it in the closet. keep fans moving the air and crack closet door to reduce heat. use flowering nutes at 1/4 strength to start... good luck
thanks for the quick replies, yea i plan on switching to about 2 42 2700ks per plant. not sure if its enough.

i got the one fan hooked up to the box but unfortunately it doesnt push enough cold air inside. the other one just sits near the bottom of the plants facing away from them. im gonna try that idea of taking the plants out. when the lights are on its 95 but when off its like 75 about bad luck.

i might also cut a few more holes to let some more air flow out the top

one last quick question, im using one lamp per CFL bulb, do u think i can instead hook up two of these 42 watt bulbs using y splitters per lamp? the one im using is 60 watts max or is that a no no

thanks again:-)
so i was growing three plants under cfls I had 4 42 watt bulbs for the three in total, didnt really know how much to use...all turned out to be males so now i got none lol...soo heres my question, like if i switched to my 400 watt hps/mh

1. could i still use it inside my rubbermaid bin instead of my cfls, with a shitload of fans running? i stacked two on top of each other so its about 3-4 feet all.

2. how much do u think the electricity bill would raise if i did this?

3. is there anyway i could use a 150 watt hps bulb instead but still using it with my 400 watt ballast?

4. if i stick with using many do u think i should use for each plant. in my grow set up i probably have enough space for 4 on each plant.

forgot to add i wanna do a grow 12/12 from seed if that helps

To the DOME

Active Member
well if you are gona use a 400w hid light youre gona need to have it atleast 2 feet away from the canopy so they wont burn. and i dont think you can use the same ballast for a 150w. if youre going to stick with the cfls get as many as you can, they dont push much heat at all so you can have em closer to the plants.
thanks guys for the feedback couldnt find any info on that 150 for 400 watt ballast thing anywhere on the thank god i didnt try it lol

im just gonna stick with cfls
guys i got a queston...all i have is a 32 oz spray bottle, just bought some neptunes fish fertilizer...2,4,1. i dont know if its any good and everyplace that sells FF is sold out and wont be getting anymore. too lazy to order online cause my girls already flowering.

on the bottle it says 1 tablespoon per gallon of water, feed every 2-3 weeks...

how much u think i should put if i only got a 32 oz bottle?,

do i feed them this everyday, what do u guys usually do?

thanks guys