Question About DWC Net Pot Setup


Active Member
Pretty simple, should there be a layer of hydroton separating the rockwool from the netpot bottom?

My setup looks like "B"...should it look like "A"?



no thats fine, rockwool and the hydroton should be almost even, just make sure that no light can peek in anyway so u can even cover it up a bit more, but looks fine either way juist remember dont let that light peek in the res, bad for roots good for algae k? k


Well-Known Member
BRO if ya had a letter C labeled diagraham showing ur wool flush with the top of the hydroton I would have said pick that...
Its best to actually Cover the tops of the pots using wool when they r flush if u must use wool...
TRUST me....Remove wool from ur DWC setup entirely and go with peat plugs.

Quite frankly wool is last years best thing..

If U must use wool the Trick to wool is allowing it do dry almost entirely but not dry completely...
U can moisten it once daily with a tablespoon of water and water the rock around it to exploit root developement and growth into the water..
The first mistake people make using wool in DWC is overwatering which actually stunts growth of seedlings...They like to be able to breath and use oxygen to build beneficial bacteria to break down food to develope roots..

I think its AWESOME U chose DWC as ur method of growing...Check out my thread at the bottom of this post...DWC is the easiest, MOST simple style of growing anyone could choose as a grow method soil,hydro or otherwise.

GOOD luck bro if i can help i will...hope this helped