Question about Box size


Active Member
I've never grown weed before and im planing on using a speaker box with the dimensions 26" height 14.5" width and 10" depth would this be big enough to grow one plant in it?


Well-Known Member
sure it can be don put a pc fan for exhaust and a shit load of cfls in there and grow grow grow maybe check out some of them low wattage hps like 75 wats i think it is you can get from the local hardware store


Well-Known Member
alright thanks guys ....but keep posting up im a Nub so i need as much input as possible
what doo ya need to know
CFL Growing
also anyone know what the most i would get outve a plant in that box in oz of weed ?
you could prolly pull an oz out of their but expect less for your first grow


Active Member
i`m doing the same maybe a little bit higher. i bought a 70w hps i think is going to work well.


Well-Known Member
Speaker grows can be some of the stealthiest grows, but they can also be very obvious. Make sure only 1 wire comes out, and no light gets out. I would make a DIY cool tube, which can be made for about 50$ [bulb, ballast, and all!]!

20$ 150w HPS: [open it twice]

Cool Tube:
pyrex bake a round, Home Garden, Pottery Glass items on

