Question about Aeroflo2 60 and Under current


Hey all, I know this is a broad question, just doing some homeork before I start purchasing equipment. Wanting to do a few months of planning before I jump in. Just wanting to figure out what path to go down, Under current or aeroflo

I've seen people pull 2 lbs a light on Under Current system, which had me interested, from what I've read it is really nice for a plug and play setup. I've only heard of one yield on an aeroflo60 and that was 5 lbs but I honestly don't know if that was perfect conditions or not.

Just wondering what would be a good route to go down? if I could get some input from some experienced growers it would be nice. I've had hydro experience. It just seems with under current yields are consistently at around 2 lbs a light and aeroflo I find hard to find information on it. Once I kind of get a general idea I can start deciding about lights and all that. Thanks for the help all !!!


Well-Known Member
check out my grow man.. Im using the aeroflo60.. I crop in about a month.. If you have any specific questions feel free to shoot em my way. Good luck bro