Quantum boards, F/H/Q strips, cobs (30-100w)


Well-Known Member
What ist für most effektiv was and what so you like the most?

I like cobs(Not the real ones) the most(clu58/cxm32/cxb3590)

I dont know But i think they quantum board dosent habe the deep Effekt that thes cobs(30-100w) or am i wrong?

And to be honest i now almost nothing about the strips just that the 301 Samsung dosis zur most effektiv ones . But i think i could be für same Problem with deep Effekt?
But what i have seen the strips could be the the cheapest Kind to build.

I hope you like to Talk about a Bit;)
Nice weekend✌
But the cobs have more depth Effekt or Not?
What i have read the boards just flower a scrog effektiv ( and have to be closer on/ less distance betwen lampe and Plants )?
I have read a Lot, Lot more then befor.

very effektiv, but need much higher room then strips and quantum boards.(or a Lot ob cobs=a Lot of Money, cob, heatsink,hgl..)

Quantum boards (QB):
most effektiv and efficence,
Can be closer to cannopy, v2 boards white reflektiv + awesome diods 301+better spread + cheaper/less heatsink cost/or no heatsink possible.

Same effektiv then boards(same diods ),but can be more efficient ,because can even closer to cannopy then QB's with less light loos,
Can be the cheapest way for a diy build.

Qb's v2 or v1(leds: 301 or561) strips S (the same ,led: 301/561)

I hope im right.
I have seen a Lot of discussion becaus of this topf