Pythium Prevention


Active Member
Anyone have any recommendations for an additive to help with pythium?
Something to keep the water nice and clean. It's my first hydro grow and my veg went perfect no problems and when I moved to the flower tub in the first week I got some white sludge like crap floating on the bottom of the tub, it was starting to smell. So when I discussed with someone they said it was pythium. So I cleaned the tubs and pump and air stones with hydrogen peroxide and a small amount of bleach. The plants I flushed with 10mL per gallon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Filled back up with Advanced Nutrients SensiBloom A/B, Bud Blood, Big Bud, CarbLoad, Bud Candy, and some Superthrive.
Any suggestions?


just some guy
hydrogen peroxide can stop it if applied right. you need a nutrient that is non organic to start with, then the right dose (ditch the 3% and find 29% in a pool supply store, say you want two gallons of H2O2 for your jacuzzi) of hydrogen peroxide.

quick stoner interlude: Suffocate by Cold... this song is bad to the ASS.

k, sorry about that.

Pythium will fuck you up fast, get on it quickly, I learned the hard way.


Active Member
Thanks YaK, I'm reading about two products SM-90 and Dutch Master Gold Range Zone. And I'm gonna get some of the 30% hyd peroxide. This sucks. I'm now added a frozen block to keep the temps dialed in, but I think I still smell it. F**K!!


Rebel From The North
I would use either H202 or bleach, bleach being the win all in my opion! all the other stuff just cost to much. you can go the benny route
and good luck if you do but there is one thing thats forsure, you will spend a grip of cash on it.


Well-Known Member
I would use either H202 or bleach, bleach being the win all in my opion! all the other stuff just cost to much. you can go the benny route
and good luck if you do but there is one thing thats forsure, you will spend a grip of cash on it.
Under normal use you would, but if you read Heisenbergs thread you will see that brewing tea is extremely cheap to do.


Rebel From The North
Ive looked at heisenbergs thread and what works for some dont for others, not discluding his methods, I just like a more simple method.


Active Member
Cleaned the shit out of all the equipment again today with more bleach this time. Made it to the local hydro store and picked up some Dutch Master Gold Zone and some 30% peroxide and some hygrozyme. The root are doing good so far and the plants are looking healthy except for a little lower leaf spotting. Gonna put it all back together in the morning before my "real job".


Well-Known Member
I hope that you are not planning on using the H202 and Hygrozyme at the same time. The H202 will destroy the enzyme that makes up the Hygrozyme.

Also, how many watts is your air pump? Some say that 1 watt of air power per gallon is minimum. IDK this to be true for sure, but I just made the necessary changes to achieve this.


Active Member
I was freaking out so I got some of everything, just to have on hand.
Cleaned everything and made a new batch of nuts without h2o2 and used Assimilator,DM Gold Zone, Bloom A/B, and some superthrive? Should I not of done this? I am gonna run two 3 watt air pumps (I have a 6 gallon res) with 4 12" air stones. trying to keep my res temps down below 70.
ditch the h2o2 and get some hygrozyme. I run aero tables and I wouldnt grow without it. Its real clean shit my rez water is always clear and i run pretty much the same nutes as you. AN 3 part, big bud, hammer head, and bud candy. Do yourself a favor and go get a bottle mix up a fresh rez and dont add any h202.

sorry i didnt see your last post. DM zone is good shit too. so i have heard.


Active Member
The local shop didn't have hygrozyme, so they sold me the Assimilator by Flora Hydro. They say it's very similar? I'm a rookie so everyones help/suggestions is greatly appreciated.


Rebel From The North
The local shop didn't have hygrozyme, so they sold me the Assimilator by Flora Hydro. They say it's very similar? I'm a rookie so everyones help/suggestions is greatly appreciated.
grow shops feed on new growers that dont know whats up, just do this look at the shelves in the shop and you will see theres more zyme than H202
that becouse H202 is used more cus it works!!!!


Active Member
I just had a serious issue with the rot. I still can't believe we saved the girls and they didn't turn hermie after everything we put them through! First things first keeping the water cool, and what really helped us out is when hubby changed the rez, I put the plants into a separate rez with some hygrozyme and gently played with the roots, like cleaning them (we changed the rez like 3-4 times in a week because that shit kept coming back with a vengeance) We cleaned everything with bleach. We started using canna nutes (which are AMAZING!) instead of fox farm, which I didn't know but apparently fox farm sucks for dwc. Anyway, don't use the peroxide with hygrozyme. I'm a newb and figured I would share, since I just got over this problem. Good luck and happy growing! =)


Active Member
Just noticed you live in Detroit, so do I, metro area, check out cultivation station or htg supply, very knowledgeable staff and they'll help you out. If you can't find hygrozyme I'd try cannazym, they are both pricey, but worth it. I've heard very good things about the h202, so if you can get it def try that, they were all out when I needed it, thats why I went with the hygrozyme. Again, good luck!