Putting my first system together please help


Active Member
Here's the run down.

I got a pretty big closet with an AC duct running strait into it !!!

I want to aim for 10 plants. Hopping to get 1-2 Oz's per plant.

I'm new to this, so here's what I want thinking.

1-2 feet per plant

10 plants means I need 20 ft.

I was thinking either drip or eb and flow system. Im on a 2nd story in a condo.

I was going to try and build one, but I just got a little money so I though id buy one to be safe. Dont want to flood the place.

Any suggestion ?

I found this one

American Hydroponics Baby Bloomer

But im worried it wont be big enough.

I'll post some pics of the room tonight when i get home, and I want to start a grow journal with pics soon.

I spent all fucking night looking for a grow tray last night. Figured it would be easer to just buy one for the first run

Not sure what yo do as far as light.

I want to use just one for now till i can get more.

Im thinking HPS, but not sure how many watts for.