Put on a Headband and take a seat! CaL's HB grow journal...


Active Member
Sups all fellow entrepreneurs?! :blsmoke:

My past grows and current have been Bubblelicious and Northern Light from Nirvana. After soon 4 grows of Bubblelicious, I wanted to try a "new" strain, both to me and the market. Went on the internet to do some window shopping, was leaning towards SLH and Alaskan Ice from Green House. Heard some bad germ and growth rate from GH's SLH...remeber this is only what I've read in these forums, not pointing any fingers, so whilst on the net I logged onto Nirvana and sent Alice a PM bout the previous order and the outcome, genetics wize. I couldn't decide what to order that day so I decided to sleep on it.

Next day I went on the net again and checked out most of the renowned seed banks and breeders. I thought most prizes were to much and ended up at Nirvana and planned to order some of theirs Jock Horror. When I logged in to place my order I saw I had a msg from Alice. She had out of the blue resent my item, 5 fem Bubblelicious beans, and 4 days later they arrived in my mail. Ty Alice! At this point I was thinking of starting fresh w a new "geen pool" of bubblegum.

A friend came to visit and surprised me w 5 fem Headband beans. Unfortunately 2 of them had been "crushed" during their voyage to my humble dwelling.

So here I am w 3 remaining Headband beans ( OG Kush x ECSour Diesel), put them in soil 24h ago and just awaiting their "arrival". I'm excited to say the least :mrgreen:

I plan to grow these 3 beans into mothers, take clones and flower 2 from each plant to see wich 1 to bee a keeper. Why I'm not just growing them out from seeds is cuz according to my "source" the reason you don't see HB beans on the market (more often sold as clone) is that it has a tendancy to self seed, wich "dissapears" when taken clones to flower.

I'm starting the beans out in party cups that I've wrapped w reflective tape. This to keep roots "darker" due to the thin cups. Cut some holes in the bottom for drainage. I'm using a "starter" soil w a pretty low NPK value for the first 7-10 days and then transplant to bigger pots and a "complete soil" pH 6,2 w time released ferts. For the first 5-7 weeks I will only feed them plain water + Super Vit, then start using nutrients at low dose and adding up as it grows. Nutes I'm using are made by a local plant school and I've done side by side comparing their nutes wich are rediculously cheap compared to BioBizz organic nutrients I've used before, and they've proven better in every way...the soil is also from the plant school and is so far the best I've used and at half the prize of the BioBizz All mix soil. Switching soil + nutes I'm saving roughly 70-80$/grow wich is pretty much considering I flower 6 plants at a time, and it has proven w better results ;)

Here are the 3 Headband beans wich will be under coolwhite fluoros soon as they sprout, 24/0 lightning first week then 20/4 for veg. I will also add 4 x 23W warmwhite CFL's after a week or 2, just not needed at this point...

For flower I will be using 400W HPS, Sylvania SHP-TS.

This is a public grow journal and all of you are welcome to post your thoughts. If any criticism plz keep it constructive, no negative thoughts up in here ;)

Info from Headband growers is highly appreciated...

Put on a Headband and take a seat :mrgreen:


Also I want to say thanks to some friends who made this HB grow possible, you know who you are :joint:



Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to seeing how things progress. I really hope those HB girls treat you good.

I'll be along for the ride. :clap:


Active Member
I'm looking forward to seeing how things progress. I really hope those HB girls treat you good.

I'll be along for the ride. :clap:
You just took "shotgun" next to me ;) The beans looked sooo healthy, big n' fat with tiger stripes. One of the crushed seeds did in fact germinate and sprout, but grew really weird so I threw it after 3 days T_T

So far nothing has happened, it's still like watching paint dry :mrgreen: 36 hours have passed since I planted the seeds. I don't germinate using any damn paper towel method, just plant the seeds in moist soil under a humidity dome and around 28-30C, 99% germination and sprouting rate I've had over the past. I think people use the paper towel method or other methods just cuz they want to see something "happen", but I just think it's dumb to germ in paper towels risking to break the lil root tip planting the germed seed. It's not faster using paper towels, my soil is moist as a paper towel would be, placed in same temp, no need for an x-tra step, just plant in soil or rapid starters or something, but germing in between paper towels is just adding another not needed step in your grow.

I'm hoping they break ground sometime tomorrow...usually takes 48-60h before they sprout.



Active Member
Nice to see you here 'bra' ;) What you been up to since you did that Bubblegum?

LOL!! Haven't really been able to get off the couch :) Actually the bubble is still going- harvesting two in like 3 days!! -but I'm looking for a new strain now that I don't have the Red Dragon anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hi PANGcake, got my weed bonoculars tuned in on yer thread bru. Keeping various limbs crossed for you and the younglings.




Active Member
LOL!! Haven't really been able to get off the couch :) Actually the bubble is still going- harvesting two in like 3 days!! -but I'm looking for a new strain now that I don't have the Red Dragon anymore.
Hehe...I also have my "last" batch of bubblegum in flower ;) Red Dragon?

Hi PANGcake, got my weed bonoculars tuned in on yer thread bru. Keeping various limbs crossed for you and the younglings.


Thanks! I got my 3 legs crossed ;) Glad to have you in for the ride...

2 outta 3 has "cracked" w a lil root tip looking out, not long till they break ground.



Active Member
Sups people?

62h since planting beans: All 3 beans have cracked w a root tip working its way down, 2 of them are poking hole in the ground :bigjoint:

It's taking a bit longer than expected but I think I know why. First of all it's become warmer outside and my radiators are practically shut off (nothing I can do bout it, set automatically after the outside temp) + the veg closet isn't running wich also contributes to raise the temp, so the room temp is about 2-3C lower than it has been during the winter wich could be the answer to why its taken bout 12-24h longer than usual, now they're germing at a temp between 24-28C, last few times I germed seeds the temp has been 26-30C, maybe that lil dif in temp makes that relative big dif in "sprouting" time?!

Tomorrow I expect to have pics of some younglings for ya to feast your eyes on ;)



Active Member
Hehe...I also have my "last" batch of bubblegum in flower ;) Red Dragon?
I love Red Dragon! It is the sweetest smell you'll ever smell!


Check it out!
Don't delete the 2nd "QUOTE" or your quouting gonna look like it did, or select text and click the speech bubble to wrap QUOTE tags around text XD

I'm checking the Red Dragon out...brb...it looks awesome ;) You got some green thumb.


Well-Known Member
We want Younglings, We want Younglings, hehe. Will come back later to check up.

Peace bru,



Active Member
Ok, so after 72h 2 seeds had sprouted and the third is on its way breaking "new ground" :blsmoke: Put them under coolwhite fluoros 24/0 light cycle. So far they look nice and healthy. 7-10 days in the party cups then it's time to transplant to next size pots. 100% germ and sprout rate :mrgreen: Paper towels any1...? Naah!

Have a nice day!


edit: Haven't misted them once yet, the humidity dome keeps the soil moist and the RH is bout 65-75%. Let the roots seek the nutrients, not the other way around, so don't keep it too wet...



Active Member
Nice bro... this is great. Can't wait to see how they start looking.
Thx! That makes 2 of us ;) It's always fun to grow from seed cuz in matter of hour(s) you can see progress...

They are comin out of their "shells" just like they are supposed to and I can see the first set of "real" leaves at baby size :bigjoint: Stems are fat, for younglings fat, and its looking very promising. I will supercrop them tomorrow...just kidding, HAHAHA, I'm baked! SRY!

Thanks all for your possitive energy!



Active Member
Both of the sprouted ones have now completely come out of their shells but the third one is a slow starter...

Been to the dentist today for a check up! No cavaties, never had, so I'm still in risk category 1 (1 beeing the lowest risk) wich means my dental visits are still for free :blsmoke:

Had few friends over to try my dried Bubblelicious! One of them went to the bathroom after 3 puffs and we didn't notice he was "gone" untill 20mins, he had passed out on the floor...LOL! This plant in particular is the best I've ever grown...soo fkn potent and with a heavenly taste! I'm so excited for the HB high though :bigjoint:



Active Member
:clap::clap: Very Funny, I laughed.
I bet you were thinking for a split second: "Whaaaat? What a dumbass supercropping so soon...wait...oh it wasn't fer reals." :bigjoint:

On my way to the plant school getting soil and a jar of nutes. I also need to go to the "cannabis grow shop" to get a new HPS bulb.

See ya'll later!