put my first two babies into flower this morning!!


Active Member
okay, so i vegged a couple bagseed up to about 15 inches each. they're looking incredibly healthy, bushy, and are all around just rocking it out.

finished my cab last night (150w hps, 197cfm exhaust fan) and threw them into flower this morning (they're resting about a foot below the bulb, temps are awesome inside the cab).

my question is this - typically when i changed position of the CFL's during veg, the plants would respond almost instantly. if i dropped them down low to get some light on the lower leaves, the top leaves would lean down within maybe two hours and start noticeably reaching for the light.

they've been under the hps for about five hours now - one of the two has already fanned out and is looking amazing, while the other pretty much looks like it has no idea there's a lamp directly above it.

my question is ..... is there any stress involved in switching to flower? i'm not concerned that the plant is hurt in any way, i'm just wondering if i should maybe expect a little bit of a delay while the (hopefully female) plants adjust to the flowering spectrum?

what do i have to look forward to in the next fourteen days? other than showing sex, what else happens in the first two weeks of flower? also, as i said earlier, is there any stress involved in switching to flower?

thanks guys! wish me luck :D :D :D

luvvin growin

Active Member
Noy usually any stress involved,but given that you started with bagseed,you'll just have to wait it out.The plants usually will respond faster to the flouros or MH b/c its whats making them grow,the HPS will make them grow a little,but most of the effort now is in producing those wonderful buds.


Active Member
also, would it be worth it to supplement this 150w hps with some CFL's? or is that just a waste of energy?


Well-Known Member
Side lighting for sure. Not only will you yeild more,
Your buds should ripen closer together
Rather than cutting some buds and letting others mature longer.
just adding 2x42w in front, and 2 in back
added almost 1/2 oz dry/plant to each of my last 2 Kush grows.


Active Member
Side lighting for sure. Not only will you yeild more,
Your buds should ripen closer together
Rather than cutting some buds and letting others mature longer.
just adding 2x42w in front, and 2 in back
added almost 1/2 oz dry/plant to each of my last 2 Kush grows.
say no more. i'm sold. :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
Hey, Whats your temps like with the 150?
I just bought a 250hps with the tempered glass and 100cfm exhaust but just finished cfl harvest so it's not up yet.