

Active Member
This Is my 1st journal entry. My girlfriend and I both have our medical cards. I started 12 seeds. 10 purponic seeds I got from a club in the bay. 1 hindu Kush X Hawaiian seeds that i got from an 8th from a club and 1 super skunk i got from a friend. I started them in 16 oz cups filled with FoxFarm Light warrior under a 400watt hps light in my closet.

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Active Member
After 2 weeks in the 16oz cups on a 17hr-7hr light cycle 11 of them where ready to be transplanted. into 1 1/2 gallon pots filled with FoxFarm Ocean Forest (unfortunately i took no pics of this) . One of the seeds looked liked it was going to be a dud so I started another Hindu Kush x Hawaiian seed in a 16oz cup. Of course right when the Hindu x hawaiian sprouted the purponic started to do something ( you can tell in the pic it looks mutated). After 2 more weeks in the closet I moved them over to my grow room 8x6x6 that i built. Underneath a 1000watt hps and a 400 watt hps. and transplanted them into i believe 41/2 to 5 gallon pots with 3 of the plants i remained to use OceanForest. With the other plants i used Roots Organic. Since germinated I have only used FoxFarm Grow Big nutrients.

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



Active Member
1 week later. There is considerable growth. I transplanted the Hindu KushX Hawaiian and the mutated purponic into 1 1/2 gallon pots. The plant in the center left is the first hindu kush X hawaiian. The smallest plant in 5 gallon pots is the super skunk. The rest are the purponics.

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



Active Member
This is as of today. 3 days from the last pics. Still can't tell the sex of Hindu Kush X Hawaiian. The mutated purponic seed has started to show some progress. it grew three heads. The tallest plant is 25inches.

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



Active Member
Here are some pics of the mutated purponics, its coming into its own. Also, a couple pics of the hindu kush X hawaiian it must be a full indica by the way its going. I think im gonna start flowering in a week or 2 weeks.

Comment tell me what u think!

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



Active Member
here is a couple pics of the super skunk and the younger hindu kush x hawaiian. I think i transplanted the super skunk a little to early . It is growing but slow. it is only 9inches.

Comment tell me what you think!

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



Active Member
here is a pic of the hindu kush X hawaiian out of the grow room. still can't tell whether it is male or female. I think it will be female by the way i is growing.The purponics in the 3rd and 4th pic is showing some new purple stripes. All of my plants have at least 9 set leaves or up to 13 set leaves. Except for the super skunk it only has 7 set leaves.

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Active Member
I was High i ment 26 inches. thankx for the rep.

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.


Well-Known Member
have not but have read on it. pure organic, alittle more expensive but you put less into a mixture so you come out on top.


Active Member
I bought some botanica sweet going to start that in a day or two. also gonna transplant the 2 in the 1 1/2 gallon pots.

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



Well-Known Member
damn go for it if you have the room dude. bit pot = big plants which = bigger BUDS! what light you growing them under?


Active Member
I got enough room for 6 1/2ft plants. I got em under a 1000 watt hps and a 400 watt hps. next payday im gonna pick up another 1000 watt hps or 600 watt and move the 400 watt to my veg closet so i can start another cycle. I just raised the light so it should make them stretch for the light. I want to switch em to 12/12 when there between 26in to 33 inch. There average is 20 inches right now. Those pots i gottem under are 6 gallon pots and there are roots coming out the bottom. Do you think i'll have to transplant them again?

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.


Active Member
I raised my lights. Transplanted the 2 pleezos that where in the 1 1/2 gallon pots to 6 and 5 gallon pots. Added Botanica Sweet to feeding. I 'm going to start flowering next friday. My tallest plant is 29 inches while the others average between 17-26 inches . Any suggestions on ways to transition into flowering

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



Active Member
1 week till flowering. The two girls i transplanted yesterday look good no shock.

Everything I say and post is fictional and should never be considered true.



New Member
Hey man saw your post in another thread and followed the link in your sig here. Plants are looking real good. I would flower 'em now so they stay short.

Here's what I have to say about the light. 1ks can't penetrate any further than 400s. What 1Ks are good for is covering a large area. At least 5x5 but definitely 6x6 and maybe 7x7. I think what you got it great for what you're working with.

Maybe next time instead of sweet you could pick up some blackstrap molasses instead. Sweet seems to be ideal for hydro as molasses would gunk shit up but it soil that ain't know problem, and blackstrap is way cheaper.

There's my 2 cents for ya. Keep it green and don't get stingy with the pics. :mrgreen: