Purple Urkle


Box is pretty much finished just got to paint it(Latex Flat White), cock the insides and hang the lights. Gonna figure out some kind of door for it, but I'm running 24 hours so not worried bout that right now. Box is 3'1''x2'x4' the 36'' fits in very nicely, got a half inch on each side. Plus we got some 42w 6500 to mount on the side.

Now for the babies. 3 of 3 are up, one is about a day and a half behind

First one to pop, Day 4 since i planted. Think i over-watered a bit but not too concerned.

Baby number 2!! Looking pretty good, also on Day 4.

Baby 3!! On Day 3 since potted. The cotyledon's are a little yellowed, but i think it's because my taproot pushed my seed above the soil, trying to go down. It got a little crispy haha. Anyways fuck it on to the pics!

Will have more up in a couple days! Any input is welcomed.

Peace and Pot


Update time!! The box is almost done! Relocated the babies to their new home. Got all the chains hanged up for the lights. Just got to install the 4'' exhaust ducting and the 6'' intake ducting. Got another 42w today but it turns out it doesn't work, just burnt out when I screwed it in. That's why there is only one 42w for now, will be going back down on Wednesday to get the other 42w CFL exchanged for a working one.

Going to pick up a 8'' air circulator to mount on the inside of the room, just got the fan like that for now. Also Got Panda film that will be turned into a door.

On to the babies! This one is on Day 8 since planted

This lil baby is also on Day 8

And for the runt.. Day 7 since planted. So tiny, but getting his 2nd set of leafs. This one got pushed out of the soil by the taproot a little bit, so it got cooked a little.

Picked up some new soil and got vegging nutes, which i will prob start adding at a 1/4 strength next watering. Going to wait another week or two before i transplant into 3 gallons.

Well i think that pretty much covers it for now, any comments are appreciated. Keep it green

:peace: and :leaf: