purple strains


Well-Known Member
Hi,everyone I was just wondering if you have any idea of any strains that are being sold on attitude that looks like this?nyc_diesel.jpg:weed:PLEASE! IF ANYBODY KNOWS ANYTHING IT WOULD MOST DEFINANTLY BE APRECIATED.BEEN LOOKING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO GROW FOREVER.:hump:


Well-Known Member
this is Hippie Gremlin & if there's a more purple strain I haven't seen it. some phenos turn black. but Attitude doesn't carry this, I've found it at cannacollective though. it's by Supreme Beanz and it rules; taste, yield and bag appeal.



Well-Known Member
"Fuck Tiger Blood; I have Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger Blood!!!"hahaaaaa!!!
alright man,thanks,i'll check it out.


Active Member
idk if i had to guess bubble funk, but there alot of way to get purple buds, mostly strain and low growing temps good luck bro