Purple stem


Ok some of my stems are purple.. meaning the lack of NPK.. but my question here is that just the other day i transplanted my plant into a 3 gallon bucket (FFOF and perlite) and i just watered it.. since theres nutes in the new soil should i wait to put nutes in to see how the stems react or should i put the nutes in because of the lack of nutes in the soil?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
All stem color might indicate is stress. Could be nutritional, could be environmental, could just be genetic though.

I'd wait it out, look to the leaves for deficiencies.


Thanks. Another question.. shall I feed them nutes as they are 3 weeks old or the nutes in the soil is still too strong?


Well-Known Member
How many leaves do they have? When they are producing 5 leaf sets then feed them nutes. That's a general rule of thumb though.


Well-Known Member
It won't need fed, now that it's been transplanted. That fresh soil will keep it food for another 2 weeks, or so. That all depends on how much soil was added. If you added more, it'll sustain them for longer than a smaller amount, will.


Well it was from a gallon pot to a 3 gallon bucket? So give it another 2-3 weeks? There aren't 5 leaves yet but it is 6 inches tall with about 10 stems on the main cola.. Maybe top the bitch to get bushier?


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a White Widow strain.. literally ALL of my leaf stems are purple and my buds are big and fat as hell. The stems can barely support the weight of the buds. Might just be the genetics. Just keep an eye on it.