Purple Problems!!!! Please Read


Active Member
okay i had my plant outdoors for about a month

it grew pretty tall maybe a foot and a half but the leaves were small and the stems were purple also the new leaves were very bright green and purple he tops on the plant are also sort of crispy but the leaves didnt crack or die

the colors were blotchy

so i brought it inside and put it under lights 17 on 7 off after two days i went to 18 and a half on 6 and a half off

the plant seems to be doing better bvut the purple remains and the new growths at the nodes are very small and dont seem to want to grow alot

they are also purple

i dont know if this is a nutrient deficiency or what

i assumed phosphorous was the problem but a buddy of mine says its just the strain

any suggestions?



Active Member
Purpling on the stem is common amongst all plants. It might be a strain it might not. thats determined from where you got them.


Well-Known Member
........can you get pics??? What are they planted in?? It probobly is due to cold temps, extreme changes in temps, or even strain inherent. But it could also be a ph problem causing a lock-out/def..... What have you given her??


Active Member
I got four in door plants and all four are purple deep purple. I posted about it and got some good input. First i was told the roots were locked up, so i trans planted. well they took off growing hard core. the soil is fine and they have never ben cold. the purple got deeper all most red and the leaves are a deep green so i figured it is the strain what ever that is they are bag seeds from some arizona mids.


Well-Known Member
after two days i went to 18 and a half on 6 and a half off
thats a 25 hour day!
Any attempts to use a cycle that does not add up to 24 hours should be considered very experimental
as it goes against the natural rhythm that all living things have evolved with.

Other than that and without photos there is not much we can do.
If the plant seems healthy other than the purple let it grow.
I would be more concerned about the blotching and crispy leaves.


Well-Known Member
24/0 = bad like the dude above me sayd... but purple stems/ect can indicate that the plants enviornment is too cold...symptoms = slow growth(if any) and dieing along with the purple thing..