Purple Leaves?


Well-Known Member
I have begun to flush two of my plants this past thursday. And since then i have noticed this particular ones leaves has begun to change dramatically, and the tips of some of the buds has darkend as well. Is this just getting closer to harvest or is something else going on that i should be concerned about??? its just bagseed, nothing specific. I think its more indica dominant as well. None of the other plants have done this either.. ima nOOb @ this so advice is a PLUS :-)



New Member
Lucky you, a purple strain out of bagseed. The cool nights are bringing out the color. When it's close to done get some pics, I bet it going to be beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Man your lucky to get a purple strain out of a bag seed. How old is it? Beautiful plant by the way
today is the beginning of the 7th week of flowering for that one. I topped it off during veg. stage to get the forked look going on cuz I wanted to keep it fairly short. That is the only indica dominant plant i have, and i can't wait to sample her ;-)


New Member
That plant need atleast 3 more weeks of flowering..a month if you can manage it will insure tha the buds be straight knock-you-on-your-ass smoke!!As for the color,it probably is genetic,or maybe the cold nights are bringing out some colors...


Well-Known Member
yeah, its been in the lower 50's-upper 40's during night. I have already started to flush this one with distilled and molasses. Should i feed again, or just keep flushing for another 2-3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Just flush 1 time and it should be ok. That depends on how much ya been feeding it as well.
I was feeding with botanicare pro bloom and botanicare sweet. In small small doses... But i am flushing before harvest, seems to be a popular method of flushing all the unwanted stuff out before harvesting.


New Member
Yes ATLEAST 3 weeks..if you CAN..leave it out for another 5 weeks..Im not kidding you.Your buds are not even close to finishing yet..they look skimpy and premature considering youre growing outside..they should be huge...


New Member
Wow,I just saw your pics..and Ill say you have ATLEAST 1 month,if you can 2 motnhs..those buds are TINY...when did they star flowering


Well-Known Member
around august 17th or 18th I'm gonna let them stay out for another 2-3 weeks then harvest'em If i could leave that one out for another month or two i would, but thats not an option. Its not bad considering my first grow and being a lil over a foot and a half tall... I'll keep yall posted tho, should get around a half oz. im thinkin