purple kush bubble hash


Well-Known Member
my friend just called me and said he met some dude from northern cali with some purple kush bubble hash that was made with snow from the mountains and he said its the best shit he's ever had! he said its 1000 times better than any honey oil or other bubble hash hes ever had and he's tried a lot of shit. he said he'll get me a gram of it for $20. i have no idea about the prices for hash so i was just wondering if thats about the right price for that amount? i guess either way if its so good $20 aint shit but just curious about the prices for bubble hash?


Well-Known Member
I wish I could find some hash around my parts, but all my hookups are bud guys, not hash guys. Unfortunately.


the few times that i have seen hash around in my area it was always $20 a gram.... or better. thats a sweet deal bro. i agree, buy all he has!!