Purple Jems 3rd Cfl Closet Grow

Doin my third grow with purple jems by lowryder. Ordered my seeds from dopeseeds.com very discreet fast just 7 day wait (inluding sat n sun). Germinated with the paper towel method. Got 2 seedlings started in 3liter bottles (guessing enough rootspace n for portability). Using miracle grow, the moisture control type, it has perfect nutes for veg. And I only feed my babies with aquafina bottled water.got 6 cfls goin in my grow space. 5 6500k and 1 2700k. Until flowering then I will switch to 5 2700 n 1 6500. Got a 4inch fan to simulate the outdoor winds/breeze/gust. Got a thermometer/humidity gauge in there

Questions or comments leave a reply, and if I spelled anything wrong I'm rushing and just figure it out using context clues were all adults right