Purple Bud / Anthocyanin


Active Member
Is it possible to change the colour of my bud by using anthocyanin-rich blueberries or blackberries placed in the soil? Or possibly by adding anthocyanin-rich fruit juices when watering? Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
no. if you want purple buds your going to hve to buy a purple strain, like plushberry or querkle, you may just be attracting ants.


Active Member
Thanks for the heads up! I had seen it somewhere on the internet... Never considered the ant problem, but it seems so obvious :roll:


Active Member
If you are indoor low temps and big day/night temp differences will make almost any genetics purple up a bit at the end. Also a thorough flush or a very tapered off nutrient strength at the end may help bring out color. But mainly it has to be in the genes like has been said already. PS purple strains are way overrated IMO, nice bag appeal tho don't get me wrong.


Well-Known Member
ya any food will attract animals indoors and especially outdoors. never done it but i hear cold environment will give you purple color.


Well-Known Member
Well if that was the case then adding other things of other colors would make plants whatever color you wanted...so no there is nothing you can add that will change the color of the plant itself...but getting a good many plants cold can cause them to go slightly purple due to an inability to process phosphorous, either due to too low of soil pH, or due to cold... As opposed to a plant that is purple because it is a purple plant...I can make a cabbage plant turn purple, but it wont give me purple cabbage..for that I would need a purple cabbage plant that was purple with no tampering from me...