Purp Kush n Alpha FLOWER


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ok. so i started my flower saturday. todays number 3. i am using 7 5 gal buckets and a 18 gal roughneck with 4 plants . total of 11. wasnt able to move the 4 into buckets guc didnt want to be slowed down by messing with the roots to get em untangled. so i left em. theres only 2 purps i think i cant remember lol. next round will be more. so heres some pics .

11 plants
70-77 degrees
5.8-6.2 ph

on 222 cylce till saturday. using gh nutes. gro micro bloom. only did one week of 222 instead of called for 2.



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ok this is 1st day of 2nd week. on wednesday i filled all the buckets back up with 123 about 4 inches from top brim of bucket. most have drank about 2 inches so far. i was gettin low on my nutes so i figuerd i might as well just fill it up . plus i thought that it might help significantly since most of the plants life they have always been in half or less full buckets. im also gunna upgrade my air pumps to a 70watt big boy . think thatll power my planned 14 buckets way more then i am even now. the piston is a massive 3 1/2 inch compared to my 3/8 inch now. ill just be using 1 pump instead of 7.

some of my plants were growing a lil more then the rest so i bent all the tops on thursday to bring back to an even canopy. i know that prob wasnt the smartest but no more bending the rest of this flower! but now it has a small hill shape and is very good looking canopy.

i took pics and will show them a lil later!


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ok so heres some pics. looks like the middle plant on my 7 bucket circle was gettin burned a lil since a lil too close to the light. ive been cutting the burn off and raising the light to seee if its good.



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so today i went in and my center plant in 7 bucket circle has stretched alot. probly another inch from yesterday. i didnt really like what it was starting to look like. so i bent over 4 tops to drop em down n hopefully slow the growing long enought so that they will just chill where they are at .

i dont no if anyone nos or not but how long in to the flower can you bend or trim ? i think you can do it as long as you want. because thats what scrog is all bout. bending the buds to grow horizontally and you have to do that alot as it grows up to the screen.

also im wondering if i should trim a lot of the fan leaves off after it starts getting farther into the flower. im only like 3 days into my 2nd week. but im thinkin that they will stop growin n focus on buds by the 3rd week or middle of it. but i was readin raidermans grow and he trims when he throws em in flower an then after day 30 slowly takes the rest off. leaving only buds basically.


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fellow rolll its you can post here if you have a 2 cents on any thing im sayin or askin. thanks

so today i filled the buckets back up to about 4" from top of bucket. all doin well. i did start a thread wondering about some of my plants leaves not sure what they are doin. or whats wrong. i made my solution to 5.8 123 at 1700 ppm about with the gh products. most buckets drank about half since i last filled them. which is good. only one did not really do squat.

and the middle bucket that i bent yesterday recovered vey nicely to my bends. btw i did trim the bottom crap off the plants yesterday. or maybe it was sunday i ono haha. im gunna try n take some good pics tomorro mornin before the lights come on and then post them up later.


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update. so i have buds! not big ones but there def growin a lot faster then my last flower. i think its cuz all the elements are stable now.

i trimmed all my bottoms the other day and finished it off yesterday. plants didnt seem too affected by it. most the buckets seem to drink a 1 or 11/2 a day. but the center prob does double to 2 inches. cuz i think thats where most of the light is and maybe thats a huge difference. so saturday will be the start of the 3rd week and i hope to see some major bud production after that. but from the looks of this flower i think i may be disapointed again... heres a bunch of pics.



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so didnt look at them this mornin . but just now there were a couple tipped plants. i just leaned em back up and got em sturdy so it wont happen again. some of the buds are lookin better but ehhhh. so i just heard 400's suck dick?????? true??


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Really excited to see results, subscribed and rep
thanks cheeese! glad to see some interest in here.

update. plants have probly grown a foot an half or 3/4 . i have had a few tipping issues the last couple days but i just did the trustee electracal tape fix. i wrapped round main stem to 3 diff areas on the bucket lid. so it can go anywhere now.

today i went in and one of the peices of tape somehow unstuck itself . i wrapped it up so it cant do that again but!!! when i did that whoopsy one of the tallest branches jsut SNAPPED lol n peeled down to the bottom i was like oooops so i grabbed and put back into place and taped it back to itself where it would be if i didnt mess with it. i have heard people do this in other threads so i no itll be ok.

will be taking pictures tomorro morni and postin soon after hopefully.

today is the 2nd day of the 3rd week.


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ok . update

took pics this mornin they are growin. i def see a difference from my last grow. but i still am not sure about what the outcome will be weighin. i did the math n i have 800 watts on 11 plants and that would be about 72 g's each plant if i got a 1g to 1 watt ratio. which we all no isnt gunna happen. this sucks cuz i was dreamin 4 zips not 2.5!

heres some more pics. looks like they still growin a small amount to me.

pic 177 is of a top that looks like it got sun bleached and aint growin any more. was in the hot spot on the light.

pic 178 and 180 are of the stem that i broke and taped back up.



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ok so i havent been able to get to the comp in a while but i got lots fo new pics for everyone.

i filled the buckets up yesterday. and have been having to keep tapin plants to keep from falling over.

this mornin my big boy in my 18 gal tote fell over cuz i taped him again yesterday to try n move him forward a lil bit. so then the back tape let go and down he fell. since he did htat the fan leaves had turned tryin to get light at the new angle and i could see so much more of the tops then i could before. i am much happier to see this growth. i feel like in another 5 to 9 weeks depending on this strain i will def see great results if they keep on growin the way they have been. so heres some new pics the beguinnin ones are gunna be from yesterday and from pic 216 on is all today. enjoy .

also i am about to run out of nutes and am very curious what i should get next or just stay with the GH and maybe just add a few additions. i ono . but any imput woudl be awsome.



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o and this is my 25th day into flower.

my buddy said that the way i have been sayin my length into flower is confusing. i would say it is my 4th day of my 4th week . but its actually only been 25 days which is 3 weeks and 4 days that has actually passed.

my 4th week started on sunday and will end on saturday. thats why i say 4th week. but as to applying it to how many days its actually been its only 3 weeks 4 days. stupid yea yea i no lol.


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ok awsome news i know i dont have the greatest pics. cuz i have an old blackberry pearl 8100 that i use for my cam. but i just bought a olympus stylus 1010. its a 10.1 megapixel digi camera that does video wit sound too. its really really great at those closeups an can also take like 15 or so pics a second too. so i jsut took lots of pics of my girls in the red room . that im gunna update on here soon. soo much more detail im sure you guys will like it as much as i did. the olympus only costed 220 in a lil sidestreet store in sf.

Here comes the Beauty!!!!!


Active Member
heres some pics i had to make em smaller cuz they were huge!

27th day flowering.
3 weeks 6 days
or i like this one best
4th week 6th day. tomorro 4 whole weeks.

half way through.

havnt done much. will water agian probly mid next week. other then that all ive done is taped plants back up from falllin . thats it!



Active Member
started with clones from a friend of a friend. thats with both my strains. the alpha is grandaddy purp n catpiss dont know much else bout them


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just thought id update a lil bit . i havnt done much ill tell details this saturday i think. today is day 34. im happy to tell you theyre gunna look a lot different this saturday when i take pics. till then.


Active Member
ok so i have procratinated on pics and updates. i took pics just now.

i have upgraded and bought a co2 set up. im using it as of yesterday. little late but it should help a lot as i have a sealed room.

last time i watered was 8/09. i picked up floralicious bloom and also changed up my mix. last water i did 0-2-5-1 which is gro-micro-bloom-floralicious. this is what i added to each gallon. these numbers equate to 1= 5ml as in 2 would be 10ml a gallon.

when i picked up my co2 i also bought kool bloom. and i will in turn add that instead of almost doubling my bloom addition n will go back to 3 which is what it calls for.

on sunday the 16th i accidentally left a light on during taking pictures so it never got a dark period. . . im sure this shocked the plants but im hoping now they are back to normal.

the 16th is also when i first noticed the root rot. i was checkin levels and happend to find those spots. looked like really fine white moldy hairs were growin on the rat tails way above the water level. and it looked kinda red and burned looking. only two out of the 11 plants have it as far as i can tell. dont really know what i can do about it or if it will really matter. as i am only about 20 days from my predicted harvest .

as for the leaves . i took quite a few pictures. and like i said i took pictures last sunday too. unfortunately i see a difference in the leaves and in the past few days it has gotten worse. i looked at this link from the plant problems forum http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 and this is my conclusion. i have a calcuim deficiancy and a magnesium deficiancy. those pics look very close to what i have. and thats the only thing i can figure. how to go about fixing im still unsure.

is it true that a deficiancy can be either too much or too little? and how do you distinguish which one if thats the case?

now that link says the with calcium and magnesium i can use nutrients with these elements in them to fix the problem but im confused as to what i should mix. the link says (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!) . now how do i apply that to what the nutrient schedule says??

Need all the help i can get + rep

