Pure Blue LED for seedlings/rooted clones?


Well-Known Member

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I'd say ,that maybe 'pure blue' might be helpful for rooting clones .
Or for a short while for rooted clones or seedlings .....
In the very first days ....

Heavy blue light ,promotes protein biosynthesis (enzymes,phytohormones,cell division,etc ... )

But ..
Seriously inhibits Carbonhydrate (like eg starch ) formation ....
Aka stunted growth ....

Solely Blue light ...

Nice 'kickstart' .....
(for rooted clones & seedlings )
But only up to that ....
Nothin' more ....
It stops there ....
Rest of wavelengths are needed ,for the next "stages " ....

And yes !
Although from Hellas ,I do agree ...
Yes ,by all means !

Alba an Aigh,mo bhràthar..


A flower .......
The flower of FREEDOM.



Well-Known Member
As the title says, does anyone have any experience with Pure Blue LED for seedlings/rooted clones?

I read somewhere that pure blue LED without any red makes them really bushy but there is not much on the net to read about it.

Here is the UFO, it is Bridgelux 460nm LED diodes but I am not sure if these are good or what.

Hey budman111, I've tried the pure blue environment and didn't really like what it does to the plant. Eventually I always ended up with deficiencies and/or a stressed out plant when I was running just 450nm SMDs. I've been vegging/germming/cloning with blues and whites for a little while now and you'll get better growth from tri blend Cool Whites than mono blues, especially if you throw in some red or Warm Whites. Even those 10000K+ "whites" will work better than just 460nm. Running pure blues is OK for keeping moms, cause the growth is slow and keeps them stocky but if your looking for more massive growth, and better health, your gonna need more than blues. I'm using some 10000K spotlights for cloning that have some red phosphorous thrown in and I got roots in 8 days, in soil, on 12 out of 16 clones, which is real good for me. It was more 10 to 13 days for my last setup of 5000K bi-color white spotlights with a 12000K spotlight thrown in. Still you could always nab that panel and grab some red spotlights, which should be a setup that can kick some ass in the veg room.

Good Luck and Happy Growing B!


Well-Known Member
cool thanks guys glad that i never purchased it now lol, I will get one with with mixed and red Led for seedlings.