Pure 322 or other solvents


Well-Known Member
So I got about 4 lbs of trim to process, and I saw this stuff called Pure 322 online that claims it doesn't need purged. I don't have a blast tube yet either or any vacuum equipment. If could get away with just a blast tube and solvent that seems pretty easy. I'd like a metal blast tube but it seems this solvent isn't good for the seals any ideas on ones that are okay to use?
From: https://www.pure322.com/product/pure322/

Extract your botanical oil using our LDE organic solvent. Scientifically proven to extract 100% of the trichome and to produce larger yields than any Nbutane product.
Suggested cans per 30 gram of flower or 40 grams of trimming material = 1.5 cans

4 lb * 454 grams/lb = 1816 grams.
1816 grams / 27 grams trim/1 can = 67.25 cans (round up to full can since you can not buy partial cans 68)
68 cans * $7.10/can = $482.80

I would not use unless I knew exactly what its active ingredient is at the very least. I imagine it's hideously over priced. But until we know what it is we won't know that for sure.
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From: https://www.pure322.com/product/pure322/

Extract your botanical oil using our LDE organic solvent. Scientifically proven to extract 100% of the trichome and to produce larger yields than any Nbutane product.
Suggested cans per 30 gram of flower or 40 grams of trimming material = 1.5 cans

4 lb * 454 grams/lb = 1816 grams.
1816 grams / 27 grams trim/1 can = 67.25 cans (round up to full can since you can not buy partial cans 68)
68 cans * $7.10/can = $482.80

I would not use unless I knew exactly what its active ingredient is at the very least. I imagine it's hideously over priced. But until we know what it is we won't know that for sure.
I think it's some kind of ether -dimectyl ether or something like that I believe, and damn that's a lot of money for solvent how much is butane though if it's comparable and I don't need the vacuum could be worth it. Or I guess I could buy a press and make bubble hash then press that. Just not sure how effective that is compared to solvent extractions.
I think it's some kind of ether -dimectyl ether or something like that I believe, and damn that's a lot of money for solvent how much is butane though if it's comparable and I don't need the vacuum could be worth it. Or I guess I could buy a press and make bubble hash then press that. Just not sure how effective that is compared to solvent extractions.
Let's ask the Ph.D. Organic Chemist who does my extractions and see if he has an opinion because I really don't. @cannabineer His extracts are amazing.
Let's ask the Ph.D. Organic Chemist who does my extractions and see if he has an opinion because I really don't. @cannabineer His extracts are amazing.
Dimethyl ether is very similar to butane for this application. My big worry is that the ether will be very responsive to ignition by hot surface or static electricity. Butane is safer in that regard. I’ve seen diethyl ether go foomf on a moderately hot lab plate.

Overall, in careful hands, I figure it’ll do a good job. But man I’d be jumpy about the spark hazard.
Dimethyl ether is very similar to butane for this application. My big worry is that the ether will be very responsive to ignition by hot surface or static electricity. Butane is safer in that regard. I’ve seen diethyl ether go foomf on a moderately hot lab plate.

Overall, in careful hands, I figure it’ll do a good job. But man I’d be jumpy about the spark hazard.
Where does it say it's Dimethy ether? I don't see that anywhere. The only thing it compares itself to is N-Butane
LOL thanks turned off my scriptsafe and there it was!
The spark hazard has me shuddering. Chemically there is a material called trioxane which structurally has much in common with dimethyl ether. I amused myself back in the day by flicking bits of it onto a semi-hot hot plate and watching them autocombust. I would not want to have a cat in the room in which I was blasting that fuel-air accident waiting to happen.
We extracted with DME once open blasting. It has a dielectric constant between LPG and alcohol, so picks up more non targeted polar elements. It is not compatible with most polymers used in gaskets and valves, so recycle is more difficult, and is a Class B explosive peroxide producer so recovery and storage are more of an issue.
I buy my solvents N-Butane and Propane in 120 lb. cans 20 imperial gallons per can at about $45 per and use one gallon for a sample matrix of 500 grams add 3.6 liters of methanol $35 and 2kg dry ice pellets $25 Adjusting the chemical bath temp and the gas mixture as well as the density of the sample matrix to do the correct amount of newtons to strip the inner layers from the trichomes. Average yield 180 grams per kilo of sample matrix for trim 225 for bud. That puts me at under one dollar CAD per gram cost of solvent. The small "kettle" atop of my tube allows me to mix both gasses to make methylpropane and create almost 200 psi over 850 newtons. Get it wrong and spend hours filtering to the correct opacity after the purge.