puffin on leaves

i know this is probably dumb but, is it possible to smoke cannabis leaves and benefit maybe get a light light buzz or maybe mix it with tobacco for a pleasurable smoke. from what i have researched i learned you can make oil out of them especially the leaves closest to the buds, what about then fan leaves? could you dry those as well for a nice jay:joint:


Active Member
The large fan leaves are mainly good for mulching. The crystally leaves closer are very smokable and around here in early october are called "Getcha By's"
but anywho the fan leaves... i wanna try an smoke those because when they get big i am told to trim the lower ones so it gets more sun and i wanna see if those will "get me by"


Well-Known Member
i just harvested a diesel ryder yesterday....got about a 1/4 bag size worth of leaves off it...most of them covered in trichs....without drying or curing them in any way...been smoking some here and there...been getting a really good buzz...dont last that long...but its a good lil buzz till my harvest is cured...wish i had more..would have whipped some hash up


Active Member
You go for it, I had done the same, very light if not a Placeebo effect. The worste it could do is give you a headacke.

but anywho the fan leaves... i wanna try an smoke those because when they get big i am told to trim the lower ones so it gets more sun and i wanna see if those will "get me by"


Well-Known Member
im not sure fan leaves will do anything. Maybe if you very rarely smoke weed, they might do a little bit.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I have a cabinet drawl full of leaves. I would rather stop smoking for the next 5 weeks, as i am doing, and wait till a proper harvest than smoke that crap :)


Active Member
I pull off a few very wide indica fan leaves and right before they shrink up I roll them like a blunt. I dont smoke tabbaco but love the large feel of the blunt. Anyone try that? Better and smoother than any rolling paper I have tried.

Dont anyone do any mid flowering thinning or trimming?


New Member
From what I hear trimming mid flower will set your harvest time back by a week or so. I would not recommend doing it. If it is too late for that, smoke away!


Active Member
What I meant by that is when I get into harvest I Skirt my plants, when the growth spurt of gowing into flowering stops I cut away all the crossing branches and other growth hindering stuff. I dont thin actually well developed buds. Maybe mid flowering was a little off. However its always a little smokate that comes off. Better than the fan leaves.


Active Member
lol thx Illumination =]

And damnnnnn that sounds like a good idea TokingKing might try that whenever someone wants to smoke a blunt (hate blunts but my niggas is always trying to puff on em) good shit man.

btw how do u give rep points?