Public Tripping


Well-Known Member
Any ideas on how to hide the enormously large pupils? I hate the feel of contacts so colored contacts are out of the question. Sunglasses at night are even more suspicious than huge pupils.


Well-Known Member
I personally enjoy showing people my pupils in public.

I once death-stared a little girl at the zoo and she looked scared and ran to her mom saying 'That guys eyes look like a puppy dog mommy!'
My friend and I died laughing and got the fuck out of the monkey exhibit. Haha I'm laughing just think about that one. Only time it ever backfired on me, but it was well worth it.

I gave myself away at this BBQ restaurant later that day explaining to my friend how I couldn't read the menu right in front of a bunch of people and then being extremely awkward realizing what I had said. But I mean, how am I supposed to choose food when I can't even read the menu?? I had to have him tell me what I was going to order three times so I could remember it. Too much shit going on. Man I was tripping hard that day.


Well-Known Member
Lol indeed! But what the fuck :s
Nah man, burnt ends with fried corn on the cob and a half rack of ribs. I remember it quite clearly. Only repeated it in my head 100's of times before I was at the end of the line..

One time I had a laugh attack at Denny's because I couldn't say grand slamwich for some reason. That waitress totally knew, but it was okay because it was denny's.

Damn laugh attacks, I think people might just think you're crazy.. Or high.. Depends on if they get high or not as to if they know.. And if they do.. They don't care.. Right?
I mean, who gets caught tripping? Seriously? It's impossible. Cops don't even know if I am tripping..


Well-Known Member
It gets harder when you are older and a respected member of the community. People don't think, hmmm, he's on a substituted phenethylamine mixed with a tryptamine.
They just assume you are on meth because it is the only drug they ever hear about.


Well-Known Member
on wsp tour,we went to waffle house and our waitress had seen the dead,been to woodstock(went with some roadcrew).anyhow,old hippy chick..she asked what all the traffic/tour kids were about..we explained tour,equating it back to the dead,she started talking about acid..yada yada..we told her the big thing with hippy types now was exctacy..she said she heard about it but never did we gave her 2 blue dolphins as a tip!..she was grateful as could be


Well-Known Member
The last thing I'd be worrying about was my pupils lol
I'd be asking how am I going to survive the paranoia and confusion of being in public tripping ...:P

..I never recommend opiates but a p or v 5 would prob help with the eyes.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go out on 300ug but 150ug and 25mg 2cb is a fun night on the town. Going out to dinner with a friends family on 20mg of 2ce was a mistake when everyone else was straight. Wish I could have hid my pupils that night for sure.