Psychedelic Stocks


Well-Known Member
Anyone else invested into psyche stocks? It's just beginning but there's lots of potential here like there was in Cannabis Stocks.
I'm currently holding MMED, NUMI, and BUZZ, but might add more like RVV, CYBN or the PYSK ETF. The tickers I listed are Canadian, so not sure what the American equivalent are.
I have invested in cannibis stocks for years. By most folks, that’s risky. Psyche stocks is a frontier beyond that. I am not in now, but I might in a few years. I suspect it will be a lot harder getting that legalized than weed.
I have invested in cannibis stocks for years. By most folks, that’s risky. Psyche stocks is a frontier beyond that. I am not in now, but I might in a few years. I suspect it will be a lot harder getting that legalized than weed.
Nice! Which cannabis stocks did you invest into? I got into those as well, but not much came out of them aside from APHA and that took a while.
Agreed with the risk factor, but perhaps it won't be as hard getting legalized thanks to the progress with weed. Also, I believe it's more focused on the biotech side rather than recreational, so hopefully it won't take too long.
I think its a really smart long-term investment. Companies are getting started already and things are gonna pick up faster than people expect. I give 5 years max for legal psychs I may be wrong but I doubt it
Nice! Which cannabis stocks did you invest into? I got into those as well, but not much came out of them aside from APHA and that took a while.
Agreed with the risk factor, but perhaps it won't be as hard getting legalized thanks to the progress with weed. Also, I believe it's more focused on the biotech side rather than recreational, so hopefully it won't take too long.
I have owned several ACB, canopy growth, Aphia, cresco, village farms, tgod, and now truelieve. Did well on most, village farms and tgod never made me any money. I got burned out on Canadian pot stocks. None are profitable. I think ACB goes to zero, I think it’s a zombie. Canopy growth is the big dog, but they have never made money, and I don’t see them becoming profitable soon. They got a 5 billion investment from a Starz, a booze company. They have succeeded in burning almost all of that up.

I like that trulieve is in the us market, and it is profitable. I don’t see legalization as coming in the next few years, and the devil is in the details. It doesn’t look like it is going to be one big national market, but maybe 50, each with its own tax and regulation regime. And a market for craft growers, similar to craft beer. But I could be all wrong, so my musings are maybe worth what you paid for it.
I've been dabbling in stocks lately, new at it so not with much money, but Ive been drawn to the psychedelic sector for its potential. dipped into PSYK ETF but it was too early and I was over eager, the market took a turn and I pulled out, but I'll be watching it to pick up, definitely a long play. Did actually pick some NUMI today. been going though a dip but looks ready to gain some momentum soon after recent positive news, we'll see. Also got a little bit of money in FIRE, its cheap right now and I think it's undervalued for the current cannabis market.
I have owned several ACB, canopy growth, Aphia, cresco, village farms, tgod, and now truelieve. Did well on most, village farms and tgod never made me any money. I got burned out on Canadian pot stocks. None are profitable. I think ACB goes to zero, I think it’s a zombie. Canopy growth is the big dog, but they have never made money, and I don’t see them becoming profitable soon. They got a 5 billion investment from a Starz, a booze company. They have succeeded in burning almost all of that up.

I like that trulieve is in the us market, and it is profitable. I don’t see legalization as coming in the next few years, and the devil is in the details. It doesn’t look like it is going to be one big national market, but maybe 50, each with its own tax and regulation regime. And a market for craft growers, similar to craft beer. But I could be all wrong, so my musings are maybe worth what you paid for it.
Investment in psychedelic stocks is a great idea but has anybody heard here about an astral projection? It’s a natural phenomenon that started being scrutinized only a short time ago, and that’s a promotable and promising thing. To be clear, unique crystals for astral projection that are the up-and-coming thing to invest money in. However, that’s a vastly new and complex issue, but many people are interested in that. Astral projection can allow you to visit any place on the Earth, even not leaving your room, and find out any information about the past and the future. Though, you have to practice a lot to do such things. Astral projection can be undergone via meditation, and while you meditate, it’s pretty difficult to concentrate — so a lot of astral projection crystals will help you, or you can acquire shares of companies that are engaged in it — for example, these Astral Projection crystals help me achieve internal piece and astral body
sounds really interesting for a newbie, hope once I will be able to attain the same...