Psychedelic Random Jibber Jabber

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
ate a half hit of needlepoint yesterday evening what hit me just as hard as 2 hits of fluff, didn't expect getting spun that bad and ended up not being able to sleep till 3:30 am, crazy visuals like seeing cartoon characters in the wood grain texture in my desk, hexagonal patterns in the leather stain on my floor and the floor was breathing haha. Gonna wait till tomorrow to do it again got 2.5 left
I've been feeling like spaced out these days when I'm sober, always after drinking the night before
i got a problem with alcohol, but i got problems without it, the atmosphere of my life is too damn black and white to deal with sober all the time
Had the same happen to me in Sacramento...had a sheet n a half of some gellies off a crazy bay area old hippie dude...had eatin them about three times...ate a tab at starbucks and just chilled for a bit...15min later I'm runnin around sac spun up (really suprised how quick it hit) thank god I crossed the river and found a chill spot felt like I almost lost my shit there...good times trippin in strange cities :)
Had the same happen to me in Sacramento...had a sheet n a half of some gellies off a crazy bay area old hippie dude...had eatin them about three times...ate a tab at starbucks and just chilled for a bit...15min later I'm runnin around sac spun up (really suprised how quick it hit) thank god I crossed the river and found a chill spot felt like I almost lost my shit there...good times trippin in strange cities :)

that needlepoint took like a hour and a half to kick in full gear for me
Thats what scared me in sac...was used to hitting my first hard wave around 45-60min even two or three gellies and this just came on within 15min from one...had to run with my 45litre travel pack like a mad man through sac to find my safe place by the river then it was nothing but playin music and gettin drunk bums stoned on a headful
Thats what scared me in sac...was used to hitting my first hard wave around 45-60min even two or three gellies and this just came on within 15min from one...had to run with my 45litre travel pack like a mad man through sac to find my safe place by the river then it was nothing but playin music and gettin drunk bums stoned on a headful
I went from sober to rainbow fractalized everything in @5mins once...just 3 hits..I had let my brother wash out the vial moments before...I looked at him,uttered 'I'm sorry...' And away we went ...
that needlepoint took like a hour and a half to kick in full gear for me
Clean,pure acid will take that various impurities to mess up your senses...
He will realize that eventually;-)
You're right..dirty buzz..not enjoyable 90% of the time ,and you can't remember shit if it was enjoyable..
Why I no longer drink alcohol.
It dulls the drugs.:-)
thats why i only had a few beer when i did acid last time, enough to enjoy the taste and only get a bit of a buzz, at one point i went like a hour without taking a taste though cause i tripping balls lol