psilocybe cubensis?


Active Member
i found these by my cannabis crops. They look an awful lot like some sort of gold caps. Are these some sort of psilocybe cubensis?


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If your asking someone over the internet if it's safe to ingest -- Then its not safe.

Even if your talking to someone you know well and trust, looking at pictures is sketchy way to ID at best

Most mushrooms are actually not posionous, Just the ones that are, are deadly posion and can look deceptively similar to eatables.
Yeah I'm thinking of doing that, or getting some spores and doing it myself. Is the dark net the only way to access them or are you telling me that there's a place on the regular web that I can snatch them up?
you can't get access to smuggling guns, drugs etc on the regular web lol
Definitely not psilocibes Cindy. They are more cone shaped with a yellow top on a body as brown as the ones in your pic. Slimy to the touch too. We used to pick lots of those in the Fraser Valley in BC back in the day. Even out by the Vancouver airport.

Not sure where you're located but if in Canada the Vancouver Seed Bank sells a 'shroom kit for around $200 with a spore syringe. Probably more places that sell them here but I haven't looked into much. I've been thinking of getting one myself as 'shrooms are supposed to be great for depression and I can't find them for sale up here in northern Alberta. None grow here either according to a friend who's really into picking wild 'shrooms and knows a lot about it.

You can get a kit or get spores on the normal web. They are easy to grow. The most expensive item to get would be a pressure cooker. Or just borrow one from a neighbor.
Yeah I've gotten spores online, but I was curious if people were selling the dried finish product on eBay/ Amazon under fake names or something. I was surprised to see all the cacti people sell online under fake names on eBay. Plus I don't like using the darkweb for a few reasons. I'm sure the next shrooms I eat will be what I have grown.
'truffles' are openly sold online, and many places ship anywear, But their weak compared to cubes. Mayabe about half the strength of a cultivated cube gram by gram

In my area their seems to always be someone growing cubes small scale, That has more than they know what to do with, and sell or even give away cheaply. Put the word out and see what happens.