

Active Member
Hey everyone, my babies are getting too big too fast!
I was thinking of cutting off some of the larger older leaves, so that the new leaves on the lower end get some light. Is this ok? Or should I just leave it the way it is?
And if I should cut off some of the leaves, is it better to cut closer to the actual leaves? or closer to the main stem?

Thanks everyone!



Well-Known Member
it looks good to me you do not want to cut the big fan leafs away they are what help your plant say healthy how ever you can tie them back and if your plant is getting too tall you can bend the plant.


Active Member
if they are getting big too fast then flower earlier ;)
Will early flowering decrease potency as well? I'm expecting it would surely reduce my yield. Or im more afraid to let them flower if the plant itself isnt ready yet! I'm at about week 4 with the larger plants, and week 3 with the 2 smaller ones. I plan on switching to 12/12 by week 5 or 6. Depending on the size of the plant.

I also made the mistake of growing one earlier cuz its leaves are covering up the smaller plant so I keep having to push the larger leaves aside.



Active Member
Hrm... please!! I need to know! Will early flowering cause hermies? or increase chances of males?
Or would it prevent them from flowering at all?
What effects are there to premature flowering?


Well-Known Member
From my own personal experience, I would trim very little. Trim maybe maybe 3 or 4 leaves and leave it alone for a bit. My personal opinion is trimming causes bad effects on plants. My opinion only. I feel that way because plants, when damaged, stress out trying to repair itself. Stress causes some many problems with our particular plant that I will never touch another leaf unless I absolutely need to.


Well-Known Member
I dont think early flowering is going to cause any issues either. People grow straight to flowering when cloning and have had great experience. If you have the room to let them get a little bigger, by all means do so. If not, send them to flowering. I think you are safe!! By the way, I just grew some Orange Bud and went to flower in 30 days. I couldn't wait any longer, they were too tall..I am very very happy with the high and the results..


Well-Known Member
And people go 12/12 from seed. I think you will be fine, just dont hunt me down if you get a male;)