Hi all,
im not sure if any of you remember me but i was having a little trouble with my first grow. Had some root rot issues and some slow growth but with much research, Hygrozyme, and some new equipment, all is back on track and going well...
Anyways I just started the bloom cycle with my plants. I have six in total, 5 is a strain called "Berry Bomb" from Bomb seeds ordered from Attitude seed bank, thee other one is a freebie that i dont know what it is cause my girlfriend through out my labels. 2 Berry Bomb plants and the unknown plant are about 3-4 feet tall, The other three berry bombs are a foot foot an a half at best. But i am seeing new growth everyday.
I have them all in a 4ft by 4ft by 7ft Grow tent under a 600w Hps. All growing in DWC 5 Gallon buckets.With a scrog net holding them up.
I am using Sensi Bloom A and B for nutes Keeping the ppm For the bigger plants at around 1200-1250, And for the smaller plants i have it around 1000-1050. I plan on increasing as the weeks go by. The plant strain says they will be fully mature in 8 weeks total. So i figured, The big plants start at 1200, at week 2 I will raise it to 1400, and week 4 i will make it around 1600, and keep it there until the last week of bud in which i will use nothing but pure water to flush with maybe a flushing agent. The small plants pretty much the same thing instead from 1000 to 1200 to 1400 ect. I also plan on using a Carbohydrate Called Carbo-Load In conjunction with the nutes i am using already. Does this sound good or do you guys recommend different ?
A couple questions i have
The berry bomb strain in the description on the website says "This strain produces a fat dominant single kola with large internodal distances and the characteristic explosive bomb upward growth. This is an excellent choice for SCROG. Indoors the plant will stay of medium height but outdoors this beauty can get huge. Like most purple/blue strains, Berry Bomb will turn blue under correct conditions (i.e. cooler, lower temperatures at night).".
.....(the fucking font changed while i was doing this cause i copied and pasted and idk how to get it back so bare with me)...
So when it says "produces a fat dominant single Kola. What do you guys recommend For Pruning Techniques ? The plants have alot more branches Curving upwards that would look like they may be nice tops.They show signs of pre-flower but should i cut them off to make the center one better ? could i end up screwing myself out of bud trying to make it yeild more ? I will upload photos when my girlfriend gets back with my phone so you guys can see what im talking about...
(got the font back.)
When it says it can turn purple/blue. Is that a lost cause ? I know it can happen and i have seen my share of purple marijuana. It gives the bud a nice sale appeal because to people who know nothing about weed they see the color purple and they are like THATS THE SHIT. So i would like to have that attribute because i do plan on passing off an ounce or 2. What would make this able to happen keeping the temp between 55-65 degrees at night right ? Would this be achieveable in the grow tent with a space self draining AC unit ? Or is it not even worth it to try ?
I have the scrog net holding up the big plants, With out that they fall right over... no problem. I have tried taping them into the buckets but they rip the tape right off and fall. so i got the net and it does just fine, But i have to get in there at least 2 times a day to check the PH to make sure it is correct. and when im changing the buckets it is HELL. I have to pull the net up plants are falling everywere, air tubes are in the way of me getting in and out with the new buckets. It sucks. but what im asking is When i pull the net off the plants is that messing up the hole SCROG method? Should they stay in one position for that hole time or is it okay for me to take the net off and do my thing as long as i restore them to their peaceful Supported State ?
Im sure i have more questions i am just not remembering them all.. Im sure i will think of them as soon as i get my frist reply..
Anyways thanks for the help guys all is appreciated.
im not sure if any of you remember me but i was having a little trouble with my first grow. Had some root rot issues and some slow growth but with much research, Hygrozyme, and some new equipment, all is back on track and going well...
Anyways I just started the bloom cycle with my plants. I have six in total, 5 is a strain called "Berry Bomb" from Bomb seeds ordered from Attitude seed bank, thee other one is a freebie that i dont know what it is cause my girlfriend through out my labels. 2 Berry Bomb plants and the unknown plant are about 3-4 feet tall, The other three berry bombs are a foot foot an a half at best. But i am seeing new growth everyday.
I have them all in a 4ft by 4ft by 7ft Grow tent under a 600w Hps. All growing in DWC 5 Gallon buckets.With a scrog net holding them up.
I am using Sensi Bloom A and B for nutes Keeping the ppm For the bigger plants at around 1200-1250, And for the smaller plants i have it around 1000-1050. I plan on increasing as the weeks go by. The plant strain says they will be fully mature in 8 weeks total. So i figured, The big plants start at 1200, at week 2 I will raise it to 1400, and week 4 i will make it around 1600, and keep it there until the last week of bud in which i will use nothing but pure water to flush with maybe a flushing agent. The small plants pretty much the same thing instead from 1000 to 1200 to 1400 ect. I also plan on using a Carbohydrate Called Carbo-Load In conjunction with the nutes i am using already. Does this sound good or do you guys recommend different ?
A couple questions i have
The berry bomb strain in the description on the website says "This strain produces a fat dominant single kola with large internodal distances and the characteristic explosive bomb upward growth. This is an excellent choice for SCROG. Indoors the plant will stay of medium height but outdoors this beauty can get huge. Like most purple/blue strains, Berry Bomb will turn blue under correct conditions (i.e. cooler, lower temperatures at night).".
.....(the fucking font changed while i was doing this cause i copied and pasted and idk how to get it back so bare with me)...
So when it says "produces a fat dominant single Kola. What do you guys recommend For Pruning Techniques ? The plants have alot more branches Curving upwards that would look like they may be nice tops.They show signs of pre-flower but should i cut them off to make the center one better ? could i end up screwing myself out of bud trying to make it yeild more ? I will upload photos when my girlfriend gets back with my phone so you guys can see what im talking about...
(got the font back.)
When it says it can turn purple/blue. Is that a lost cause ? I know it can happen and i have seen my share of purple marijuana. It gives the bud a nice sale appeal because to people who know nothing about weed they see the color purple and they are like THATS THE SHIT. So i would like to have that attribute because i do plan on passing off an ounce or 2. What would make this able to happen keeping the temp between 55-65 degrees at night right ? Would this be achieveable in the grow tent with a space self draining AC unit ? Or is it not even worth it to try ?
I have the scrog net holding up the big plants, With out that they fall right over... no problem. I have tried taping them into the buckets but they rip the tape right off and fall. so i got the net and it does just fine, But i have to get in there at least 2 times a day to check the PH to make sure it is correct. and when im changing the buckets it is HELL. I have to pull the net up plants are falling everywere, air tubes are in the way of me getting in and out with the new buckets. It sucks. but what im asking is When i pull the net off the plants is that messing up the hole SCROG method? Should they stay in one position for that hole time or is it okay for me to take the net off and do my thing as long as i restore them to their peaceful Supported State ?
Im sure i have more questions i am just not remembering them all.. Im sure i will think of them as soon as i get my frist reply..
Anyways thanks for the help guys all is appreciated.