Protect Nutrients/Solution From Light?


New Member
Greetings, friends.

I am in the process of constructing a small Ebb and Flow hydroponic system within plastic 18 gallon storage bins, and I have a concern about light pollution. My storage bins aren't as see-through as glass, but they do allow a decent amount of light . Should I be worried about my nutrient solution becoming a target of any problems due to the light? I've also heard that "root rot" can be avoided by keeping the reservoir fully protected from light.

If this is a problem, what would be the most preferrable method of closing off light from the reservoir? Besides wrapping it in scarves and stockings ;)




Well-Known Member
You could wrap or paint them but easiest would be to get a couple of the black and yellow tuff boxes from Walmart or Lowes.


Active Member
Light penetrating the water for increased periods of time will eventually cause algae or mold build up in your res or your drip line in you have one. For a quick fix you can buy a couple of cans of black spray paint and that will keep most of the light out. Your best bet is to get a darker container to begin with and no light will get in at all.


Well-Known Member
problem with paint is that on most plastic even the plastic paint just flakes off pretty quickly and you have fucking paint flakes everywhere.
I find getting a black one to begin with is best. Then theres that sticky backed reflective padded stuff. helps with temps as well.
Then theres always a piece of black plastic thrown over the top.


New Member
I have about six or seven of these bins that were used when I moved recently, and I was hoping I could get away with using as many materials as I could that I already owned. The black plastic may work - black garbage bags perhaps? I would have to also cover the top of the unit around the plants. It may be less of a headache to simply purchase the proper bins.

Using these bins for moving, btw, is choice, and it looks like I'm going to have a couple more to add to my recent collection.


Active Member
Refletix is not totally light proof. You have to double it up. As far as any nutrient being exposed to light that's fine as long as it's totally synthetic. Any organic or kelp extract will create algae and slime. Additives are best served as a foliar spray