pros and cons?


Thinking about switching to promix,was wondering anybody know a little about pro mix and maybe lead me in the rite direction,anything I need to know,?nutes,ph,drainage, ect?


Well-Known Member
This was the first significant change i made years ago,, compared to old bags of topsoil that most new guys use ( i have used this sh&$t). Promix bx is awesome but expensive @ 37$/ bale. Here ,, If your tight on cash you could find a landscape depot where they sell soil and bark & all that stuff and make your own "promix type soil" for a fraction of the price,,,,,, but if you can swing it ,,, by all means , promix with micorhizae is fool proof. ,

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Add some oyster shell flour for ph buffering and some earthworm castings to help your microbial life. Idk exactly how much I use, but it's probably 10-15% ewc and oyster shell flour and the rest promix. Use twice as much ewc than OsF


Well-Known Member
Promix makes it easy to not over-feed since there really isn't anything in there. You will need to feed them more often with straight Promix, but it is good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dont spend more than you have to ,, its easy to get caught up in all the hear say a advertising of products,,, some hold weight but sometimes its advantageous to keep it as simple as possible, this applies to most things


Well-Known Member
Promix's best feature is u can buy it almost everywhere including walmart. Its also fairly consistant. I usually add perilite and a bit of lime but for the price it is worth the extra couple bucks.