Pros and Cons of 24/0,20/4, and 18/6


Well-Known Member
Since Ive started ive only done 24 on the whole time. I read these threads and have mixed reviews from random posters saying 18/6 is the best cause they need time to rest... others have posted the more light they get the better they will grow.

Can anyone clarify with factual information?


Active Member
24hr is the only way to go, i think 18/6 gives you better roots

ive done both and have gotten better results from 24,


me too. ive run 24/0 a bunch, but dropped back to 20/4. pushing the normal 18/6 a bit. and yeah ive noticed that there a little happier. not quite so Pushed. little delicate gems need a breather and all i guess. Ha.


Active Member
me too. ive run 24/0 a bunch, but dropped back to 20/4. pushing the normal 18/6 a bit. and yeah ive noticed that there a little happier. not quite so Pushed. little delicate gems need a breather and all i guess. Ha.
i have always vegged at 24/0, i have read on some threads that your plants need a dark period(rest) to develop roots, this is absoloute waffle, seedlings grow a little slower when dark , but never stop and rest. slightly older plants such as mother plants , it is said they can benefit from a rest but this is not proven, cuttings 100% need no light break, hope this helps, sometimes to much advice is a bad thing and can confuse you , run your own test , this grow 24/0 next 18/6, i have & the 18/6 plants needed watering less & a extra week veg time ... so really , even if only to save power its pointless , good luck =)


Well-Known Member
the roots take up o2 at night,last round i used 24 ,this round 18/6 i am liking the 18/6 results better,its all preference i guess bro,this site is great for info but everyones different,good luck dude


old old thread but I got questions about some of what is said here. Gonna say what I know and if I am wrong, someone please correct me.

Faster veg time/smaller plants (if u go less grow time)/less space between nodes/not ideal for lst or supercropping.

Slower veg time/larger plants/more space between nodes/better for super-cropping or lst.

I would recommend some form of 'light displacement' with 24/0, in other words not keeping the same light intensity on all the plants all the time, can be done with a light mover or anything that cycles between the light and the plant creating temporary shadow spots. You don't want to fuck up that chloroplast.:hump:


King Tut
Reading all the different results above, and having tried 24/0 and 18/6, I think it is dependent on strain and environment. Those factors will determine which light schedule works best for YOU. I, personally, have had better overall success with the 18/6 sched.


Active Member
i like using both, i start my plants at 18/6 then slowing ramp them up to 24/0 then slowly ramp them back down to 18/6 just b4 i go into flower. This is the first time i have tried this but i was really happy with the results and plan on experimenting with it more in the future. it seems if you change the times slowly it doesn't stress them much. anyways im happy this grow was just bag seeds and i ended up with 9 females and 2 males =)

grow space

Well-Known Member
24/0 i got going right know ! i have so little space in my veg box, so i need bushier and little bit shorter helps a little..also u cant go wrong with 20/4



Well-Known Member
i just did a 24/0 and now im doing 20/4... when they sleep u can see them really explode right after the light comes back on, its way faster with 20/4 IMO...


Well-Known Member
I've personally had much better results with 24/0. My current crop was barely growing on 18/6, cranked them to 24/0 and they got massive quick.