ProPhet, time to start the nutient study


Well-Known Member
I am now starting to amass, everything to run a case study.
It's been a few months, been growing outside. But have to start on this project.

I know we are not even close to harvest time.
But, if your planning on growing inside. You need to be planning.
I will teach you how to build your own system cheap! From home depot.
My system of choice is RDWC (return deep water culture). I failed 8th grade science. So, I can even do this.
I am building 4 independent systems, to run a nutrient comparison.
(Masterblend 4-18-38 w/calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate.)
(Jacks 5-12-26 with calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate.)
I have not decided on the last two.
Anyways one system consists of one 27 gallon tote, two 5 gallon totes.
(27 gallon tote is for the plant. One 5 gallon sump tote is for water return and water chiller in and out, w/chiller pump inside filter bag also in that sump tote! The second 5 gallon sump tote is only for pumping out system and refilling. It's a breeze!)
The money you will save, will pay for the tools and supplies.
This one system, 3 totes, 2 inch pvc pipe, universal seals under $55.00.

Dawn dish soap is lubrication to insert pipe into universal seal.

I have never had a leak!!

However, you need a hole saw, tape measure and a hand drill.

Practice holes, to get the hang of 20240725_122629.jpg20240725_124122.jpg20240725_123305.jpg20240725_132435.jpg20240725_123247.jpg20240725_141742.jpg